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3/08/2016 — US Military confirms HAARP “ring” formed by Radio Waves hitting the Atmosphere / Ionosphere


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The US Military has confirmed that a Plasma ring forms in a bullseye – RING shapewhen targeted high frequency radio waves cross each other while hitting the upper atmosphere.

Experiments were done using HAARP to produce plasma rings, and super heating in the atmosphere.

The attached diagram is from the DTIC military .mil government site.

haarp rings confirmed plasma

Above: Diagram from the US Military DTIC .mil website, showing the studies done on the Plasma Rings generated by HF (high frequency) pulses of radio waves, when two beams cross, a “ring” area forms which can be seen on RADAR, and which causes a super-heating of the area in the sky.

People said that the rings we were seeing appear across multiple systems were glitches, Birds and Bugs, Bats, and Background Clutter (just to name a few of the debunked excuses people tried to give over the years).