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F-35 Fighter Jet Flights Frighten Local Population Off US Coast--(with Excellent Comment))

The Unhived Mind

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January 30, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

F-35 Fighter Jet Flights Frighten Local Population Off US Coast © Flickr/ Gonzalo Alonso

21:20 29.01.2016(updated 22:37 29.01.2016) Get short URL

US residents compared F-35 fighter jet test flights that took place off the New Jersey coast with an earthquake and Godzilla as they caused buildings to vibrate due to their powerful sonic booms.

The unusually powerful sound registered on the northeast coast of the United States was caused by a series of tests of the fifth-generation F-35 fighter jets and raised concerns among local residents, Associated Press wrote referring to a representative of the US Army.

The US Geological Survey earlier reported nine sonic booms that occurred off the coast of New Jersey and Connecticut over the course of 1.5 hours. According to reports, some buildings may have been damaged.

On Thursday afternoon, local residents complained about strong vibrations on land and in buildings. On social networks, some users wrote that there was an earthquake in the region, while others compared vibrations with the awakening of Godzilla, a character which also has been frequently used by the Japanese as a metaphor for the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and nuclear weapons in general.

Representatives of the US Navy confirmed that the coast was the location of a series of flight tests of F-35 fighter jets which are capable of traveling through the air faster than the speed of sound. At the same time the military noted that earlier such flights were almost never felt on the ground and suggested that the cause for such disturbance could lie in unusual atmospheric conditions


January 30, 2016 at 10:02 am

Typical paranoid and ignorant U.S serfdom citizens. Isn’t it interesting how these serfs will shout out in favor of bombing nations and people? Now when a few planes make a bit of noise the U.S. serfs are up in arms and frightened? Can you people imagine what it must be like for people of Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and Vietnam when they’re going through day after day of airstrikes by these cowardly machines during wars? Iraq has probably took the most pounding from the air of all the nations. Now you might understand why refugee children scream in panick when a normal helicopter or commercial flight goes over Europe. U.S. Citizen serfs need to stop being cowards and become Americans utilizing their arms and the second amendment or forever be a slave or dead in this worsening dark age. Right now U.S serfs are cowards and idiots who didn’t even understand what was happening in Oregon and instead chose to verbally attack the militamen. You even had some of the so-called alternative media attacking the militia including Webster Tarpley but he can often be wrong although he’d never admit it especially if he’s an agent himself (likely). Tarpley liked to make out the militia men were tied to the far-right and anti-semites. Use Tarpley’s meat but spit out his bones. I can tell you now that Tarpley made a big mistake when he claimed British Intelligence was behind the public arrest of a magistrate in Britain. British Intelligence had nothing at all to do with the arrest which took place at Birkenhead and was performed by patriot Englishmen and women who’re part of the British Constitutional Group. I’ve even heard Tarpley attack the very foundational base of the LaRouche politics and call them kooks. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that the core data of LaRouche is spot on. Tarpley likes to constantly rag on China and dig at the BRICS which as well all should know by now is a very silly move. So Tarpley has exposed himself but what do you expect from someone who lives in Washington D.C. (Little Rome {1663 property records}) and who seems to have all these debt instruments to fly off around the world at a blink of an eye to do reports and lectures. So Webster doesn’t like Mormons but does a Mormon Militiaman not mean he wants to defend America? Of course he does whether he’s Mormon, Catholic etc! I’d rather have a Mormon or a Catholic on my side to battle the Talmudic Zionists wouldn’t you? Or shall we walk hand-in-hand with Rothschild Tribal vermin? Oh that’s right Tarpley, the Bundy family are Freemasons because the head of the family is called Ammon which you believe is a form of subliminal code to Amen Ra (paranoia).


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