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Mike Adams gives eye-opening interview revealing space weapon capabilities of US military

J.D. Heyes

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Sept. 20k, 2015

(NaturalNews) Following his exclusive bombshell report that the recent "mysterious" massive explosion in the city of Tianjin was likely the work of a secret U.S. military space weapon, Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, gave an in-depth interview regarding the story to Red List News, further explaining the events surrounding what is clearly an act of war.

Dave Hodges and James White, in their interview, noted that Adams' exclusive report was based in large part on sources in China that contacted him with details that, until he reported them, had not appeared anywhere else.

"We have dissident sources in mainland China – in Beijing, and the city that was hit by what's being called this 'space weapon,'" Adams noted.

"Our sources are telling us... they believe the Pentagon is engaged in what [sources] called 'kinetic retaliation' for the currency devaluation of the Chinese yuan [Chinese currency]," Adams said. "This is consistent with the Obama Administration's announcement several years ago when they said we will retaliate against cyberwarfare or electronic attacks by using conventional military weaponry."


"Rod of God"?

Indeed, in 2011, The New York Times reported that the Defense Department was working up new strategies to counter cyberattacks, including, as the paper reported, "a military response." That's because the Pentagon would begin considering such attacks "an act of war," the Times reported.

Also, in May 2011, the White House released a comprehensive study titled International Strategy for Cyberspace, in which the administration concluded, in part:

[S]tates have an inherent right to self-defense that may be triggered by certain aggressive acts in cyberspace. ... [C]ertain hostile acts conducted through cyberspace could compel actions under the commitments we have with our military treaty partners. ... When warranted, the United States will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country.

In recent weeks, China has been blamed for a series of cyber breaches of millions of records of current and former U.S. government employees, via computer systems belonging to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). In all, reports noted, some 22 million workers' files were hacked, including security clearance forms containing sensitive personal information, as well as files on undercover American intelligence operatives.

Adams did not say whether he believes the incident in Tianjin may have been in response to those hacks, but according to sources he spoke with, it was rather more aimed at punishing the Chinese for currency devaluation.

"Chinese dissidents have told Natural News they have reason to believe the attack on Tianjin is a warning shot from the United States, which is terrified that China is on the verge of announcing its own gold-backed currency while declaring a fire sale on U.S. debt holdings," he wrote Aug. 17.

During his interview, Adams said there was no way to verify whether some sort of "rod of God" weapon even exists in the U.S. military arsenal. However, he pointed out that a 2004 report by Popular Science mentioned a "Rods from God" weapon system that is satellite-guided and utilizes massive tungsten rods to destroy targets on Earth with kinetic energy, even targets buried deep underground.

China doesn't need nukes to attack America

As to what would have caused the U.S. to retaliate, Adams ticked off a number of possibilities.

"What we're seeing now is the kind of warfare we're likely to see for a long time," he said during his radio interview. That includes "a currency war, economic warfare, cyberwarfare, electronic attacks, disabling attacks.

"You know, China's hacked the entire Pentagon personnel data file," he continued. "I mean, that's been admitted everywhere. I believe China attacked the stock market and brought down trading on Wall Street a few weeks ago... The FAA recently lost control of their entire air traffic control hub on the East Coast for I think something like 24 hours...

"I think that China doesn't need nuclear weapons to wage war against America," he said.

You can hear the entire interview here.

Read his bombshell report here.

See also:[PDF]