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China’s nuclear bomber can hit US military bases: Report

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Jan. 8, 2014

342227_H-6K strategic bombers

China’s new nuclear bomber can launch strategic missile attacks against US military facilities and those of its allies in the Western Pacific, according to Chinese state media.

H-6K strategic bombers have already been deployed with the 8th and 10th air divisions of the People’s Liberation Army’s Air Force, Watch China Times reports.

The strategic bomber can attack the Japanese mainland with CJ-10 cruise missiles without even leaving Chinese airspace.

With a range of between 1,500 and 2,000 kilometers, the CJ-10 meets the requirements of the PLA Air Force to target US military bases and those of its allies in the Western Pacific, according to the report.

The report notes that “the long-range cruise missile has become a crucial part of China’s nuclear arsenal.”

An H-6K would be able to take off from the air base of the PLA’s 10th air division in Anqing, Anhui province and “strike at all US military bases in South Korea.”

In November, Chinese media released a map showing the locations of major US cities and how they would be impacted by a nuclear attack launched from China’s strategic submarine force.

In addition, major cities in India, Russian, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines are within the range of the Chinese nuclear bomber.

The United States is gravely concerned about China’s new long-range nuclear bomber.

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission warned in its annual report in November that China is “rapidly expanding and diversifying” its ability to strike US bases, ships and aircraft throughout the Pacific, even places like Guam that were previously out of reach.


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