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How The US Fleet Would Defend Itself Against A Full-On Attack

Robert Johnson and Walter Hickey - Business Insider

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July 30, 2012

As the Navy directs its attention, and the majority of its fleet, to distant parts of the Pacific, concern about ship’s safety becomes paramount.

America’s ships are getting expensive and the thought of a well placed missile sending one or more of them to the bottom of the ocean has surely caused more than one military planner a restless night.

To help keep that from happening Raytheon has produced an elaborate Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) system for the Navy.



The AMDR uses a two bands of radar to asses incoming threats, determine the priority in which they need to be addressed, neutralizes the threat, and keeps monitoring the site to make sure the target is down and out.

Raytheon released an animated video, via their website, that illustrates the AMDR’s capabilities and how the design could protect the fleet, even in the face of a multi-pronged attack.

The following is a series of screenshots from the video, and a description of what the radar targeting system is doing at various points its counterattack.

Our tour begins with a US task force traveling an unnamed body of water in hostile territory