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Dec. 12, 2011

Their has been a lot of interest in this Military aircraft,known as the TR3B.The TR3B is a triangular shaped Nuclear powered aerospace craft.Many,like myself wounder what the propulsion is,that makes it possible.Here how Mr.Fouche a physics expert.A circular,plasma filled accelerator ring,called the Magnetic Field Disruptor surrounds the rotatable crew compartment,and is far ahead of any imaginable technology.The plasma,mercury based,is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres,at a temperature of 150 degrees kelvin,and accelerated to 50,000 RPM to create a super conducted plasma,resulting in gravity disruption.The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field,which neutralizes the effects of gravity by up to 89%.

Interview with Edward Fouche

He goes on to say some of his soures said the performance is only limited only to the stresses to the human pilots can endure.With 89% reduction in G's what would have been 4.2g limit is now a 40G limit.The TR3B's main propulsion is by three multi-mode thrusters mounted at each corner of the triangle.The craft is a sub mach 9 craft, at 120,000 feet,and below.Its never been tested any higher,so who know its limits.The first pictures ever taken of the TR3B were in Belgium March 31 1990,it was again sighted in Idaho in 2000 when it flew within 200 feet of some people camping.The one thing that makes it stick out is the three lights,one on each corner,and one main light in the center

The campers said it was noiseless except for a small huming,when it moved.Rumors that the pending official disclosure of the existence of the TB3R a been around for a while now.Most want to know how it works,but I'm sure its going to be a while before it becomes public.