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Missile Offence: US shield real aim to cordon Russia & China

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A deal to deploy an American radar system in eastern Turkey has been agreed by the two countries as part of NATO-backed missile defense plans. It comes just a day after Washington struck a similar agreement with Romania, under which interceptor missiles and over a hundred military personnel will be based on Romanian soil. The U.S. says the controversial plans are designed to defend Europe against the possibility of attack from states like Iran and North Korea.  But Bruce Gagnon from the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space believes that's not what the defense shield is really about.
For over 50 years, ever since the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II, the world has been caught up in a fear of a nuclear war. But historian, lecturer and researcher Ralph Epperson has discovered that that this THREAT OF A NUCLEAR WAR is A FRAUD, and that the only nation with NUCLEAR WEAPONS is the United States.  That means this threat is imaginary, that a great ACT OF DECEPTION has been pulled off on the people of the world.
One of the evidences is the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (the INF Treaty) signed in 1989 by Pres. Ronald Reagan and Russian Premier Mikhael Gorbachev.  The Treaty "ELIMINATES" WARHEADS AND MISSILES WITHOUT EITHER NATION BEING ALLOWED TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE that warheads and missiles have been ELIMINATED!
You will be stunned at the other evidence that Mr. Epperson has accumulated in this four hour DVD!  And YOU WILL BELIEVE after you complete your viewing of the material! 
ONLY THE U.S. HAS NUKES by Ralph Epperson:
Americas secret destiny part 1 :
9/11 10th Anniversary Special - Ralph Epperson On 9/11 "Terror" Attacks :
Epperson - The Unseen Hand - An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History (1994) "
Ralph Epperson on VERITAS: The Hidden Hand & The New World Order - 1/6 :
Ralph Epperson has studied the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America for many years and has discovered what he calls THE FATAL FLAW inside the document. He believes that this information is not known to the American people ........ and that he has decided to do all he can to make it public. He also believes that once the American people understand this, what is happening in the United States will make sense. So, may I ask that you see if you can find a copy of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. According to Ralph, The New World Order has been ruling the world for 6,000 years. Topics discussed: F.D.R. KNEW ABOUT THE PEARL HARBOR ATTACK AND ALLOWED IT TO IT HAPPEN, PRESIDENT ILL CLINTON IS AWARE OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER CONSPIRACY AND IS NOT OPPOSED TO IT, SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES ARE VOLUNTARY, THERE IS NO COMMON LAW, THEREFORE THERE IS NO CONSTITUTION, VACCINES, VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE IS LEGAL, THERE IS NO DRAFT, THE VIETNAM WAR WAS PLANNED BY THE UNITED STATES IN 1943, THE VIETNAM WAR STARTED DRUG ADDICTION AND THE "DRUG WAR", THE VIETNAM AND THE DRUG WARS ARE WARS TO BE WAGED, NOT WON, THE NEW WORLD ORDER CONSPIRACY IS 6,000 YEARS OLD (THE ANCIENT MYSTERY RELIGION), THE FEDERAL RESERVE REVISITED, THE MASONS AND THEIR DEGREES - THE TRUE PURPOSE OF MASONRY, JAPAN WAS TRYING TO SURRENDER PRIOR TO THE ATOMIC BOMBS AND TRUMAN KNEW IT, THE HIDDEN HAND (THE CENTRAL BANKS) ALWAYS WANTS WAR, AS IT IS THE MOST PROFITABLE ENTERPRISE, OUR FOUNDING FATHERS LIED TO US (1787), SILENT JUDICIAL KNOWLEDGE
Sept. 20, 2011