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Death by Phosphorous--Israeli weapon on Saudi Tank

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The Israelis have a hand-held, shoulder launched missile with phosphorous that explodes on contact. The destruction is devastating. Was a time being inside a tank was considered a relatively safe place during battle. Of course that was some years ago. Even without armor piercing ability, the phosphor will burn completely through the metal in a very short time. No more safe battle positions, imagine this from a drone! What you are about to watch is an actual event. The Israeli Armed Forces filmed this in real time. What you'll see is a fully armored Syrian tank being hit by an Israeli laser-guided, steel-penetrating, phosphorous-filled "hand held shoulder mount" mobile rocket. The rocket is small, very portable and is a tightly controlled weapon. Each one is accounted for when they are checked out and back in. There must be no fewer than 2 soldiers present to verify the use, one must be a senior officer with a minimum of 10 years military service. (Sorry, the name and program is kept secret.) This tank was headed for one of Israel 's settlements. There were four more tanks one mile to the rear of this tank. They turned around before getting to the area after learning what had happened to the lead tank. You can hear the ammunition going off after the initial strike. No Syrian tank crew member survived this event and it did not make the news. It is an everyday event for Israel 's Armed Forces and they do not permit the "embedding" of news reporters with their armed forces like we silly Americans do. This weapon and its tactical use is for their survival, not for "news" entertainment!

Perhaps we should take a page from the Israeli Military Handbook.




May 19, 2011