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US Embassy Cables: : Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Iran China to Iran Leaking Like a Sieve:

Anders Johansen

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On the day Iran has acquired a nuclear bomb, it will say "Made in China" on many of the parts - reveals U.S. embassy documents leaked to Wikileaks.

Google Translation Of Original Aftenposten Article

January 18, 2011 ' "Aftenposten" - -"Since March 2008, the U.S. has given Chinese officials information about a number of issues related to missile-related matters. We have received little or no response from China on how the cases investigated or what is being done, "pointed out the U.S. on Chinese authorities 27 juli 2009. July 2009.

 The secret stamped documents give a clear impression that the day Iran has managed to develop a nuclear bomb, then the Chinese technology and raw materials from China will be a very important part, despite the fact that China has promised to tighten export control:

  • China is heavily dependent on intelligence information from overseas before you do anything.
  • China has poor knowledge of who they really sell high technology to.
  • Companies that are caught, rarely get any punishment.
  • There are major weaknesses in the Chinese export control system, and this is exploited by countries like Iran and Syria.

"Chinese companies have in the past year offered or sold goods to the companies that produce ballistic missiles in several countries, including Iran, Pakistan and Syria. In some cases sales continue despite the U.S. giving Chinese extensive amounts of information that document our concerns for the companies' activity, "noted the U.S..

China does not control

They stamped secret embassy documents Aftenposten has access to, and that is leaked to Wikileaks, pointing out a large number of Chinese companies as "bad guys". Despite the fact that China has announced that turning down harder on Iran's attempts to acquire nuclear weapons, several companies in China have been allowed to resume exports to Iran's missile industry:

 "Companies are clearly above the vulnerabilities in China's system of export control, and hide sensitive transactions, such as by changing names or fake transport documents. In addition, some companies take advantage of personal contacts with the authorities to avoid the Chinese laws, "writes the U.S. State Department.

"Made in China". China has supplied a wide range of goods to the Iranian companies that produce rockets for the past three years, including gyroscopes, accelerometers, graphite cylinders, rocket nozzles, and special aluminum, which makes the missiles may have greater reach.  A wide variety of raw materials that are essential for missile production has also been exported to Iran, for example, Perchlorate and polybutadiene.

- Our business - Our business

Some high-tech products are simply carrying out the travel bags of Iranian delegations visiting China regularly.

Companies LIMMT, Dalian Sunny Industries, Bellamax and Shanghai Technical By-Products International Corporation has sold a number of parts to Iran's missile programs over several years.

"The sales have been conducted despite the fact that the U.S. has given China comprehensive information about companies' activities", according to several sharp dropouts from the U.S. State Department.

China´s business is its own business, said Chinese officials, according to documents published on today.

Jan. 18, 2011