Vancouver Winter Olympic Games by ‘devoted followers’ of the Nazi Warlord Paul Schaefer [photo top right] who Western reports are now claiming has more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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Nazi Warlord Unleashes ‘Olympic’ Eco-Bomb On World

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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tp://">Vancouver Winter Olympic Games by ‘devoted followers’ of the Nazi Warlord Paul Schaefer [photo top right] who Western reports are now claiming has died.

Important to note about this most notorious of Nazi Warlords is that his ‘classification’ by the Americans after World War II as having been a member of the Hitler Youth’s organization and then a Corporal in the German Army where he served as a medic couldn’t be further from the truth.  In fact, Soviet KGB archives name Schaefer as one of the “three most important Nazi’s” spirited from Germany after the war by American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) forces after Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun (called the ‘father’ of Nazi Germany and America’s rocket programmes) and Dr. Josef Mengele (known as the ‘Angel of Death’ for his experiments conducted on human beings imprisoned by the Nazi regime).

Schaefer’s “critical importance” to the Americans, these reports state, was due to his being one of Nazi Germany’s top bio-chemists tasked with developing “race-specific germ weapons” that Hitler planned to unleash upon those Nations he conquered in order to rid the World of what these monsters referred to as “inferiors”.

Important to understand is that Operation Paperclip was the OSS program used to recruit Schaefer, and other scientists of Nazi Germany, for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II. It was executed by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and in the context of the burgeoning Soviet–American Cold War, one purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific knowledge and expertise to the Soviet Union and the British.

Although the JIOA’s recruitment of German scientists began after the European Allied victory on May 8, 1945, US President Harry Truman did not formally order the execution of Operation Paperclip until August 1945.

Truman's order expressly excluded anyone found “to have been a member of the Nazi Party, and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Nazi militarism.”

To circumvent President Truman’s anti-Nazi order, and the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements, the JIOA worked independently to create false employment and political biographies for the scientists.

The JIOA also expunged from the public record Schaefer and other German scientists Nazi Party memberships and régime affiliations. Once “bleached” of their Nazism, the US Government granted the scientists security clearance to work in the United States. Paperclip, the project’s operational name, derived from the paperclips used to attach the scientists new political persona to their “US Government Scientist” JIOA personnel files.

Schaefer, however, was deemed by the Americans to be too “radioactive” to be allowed in the United States and was instead “placed” by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the South American Nation of Chile where with CIA funding he established a secretive compound known as Colonia Dignidad which to this very day is still “protected” by US and Chilean secret police forces.

Over these past nearly 50 years, these reports continue, Schaefer and other Nazi German scientists, including the ‘Angel of Death’ Dr. Joseph Mengele, were allowed to continue their research into “germ weapons” with information about their monstrous experiments on children [many reportedly abducted from the US] only being discovered in 2005 when a CIA agent and operative of the Chilean secret police (DINA), Michael Townley (currently protected in the US under their witness protection programme), informed Interpol of  Colonia Dignidad’s “joint human experiments” conducted with Chile’s Army Laboratory on Bacteriological Warfare.

So vital did the United States deem Schaefer’s diabolical “germ weapon” research that when it came under threat from Chile’s new democratically elected socialist government, in 1973, the US Secretary of State, and fervent New World Order Globalist, Henry Kissinger ordered its immediate overthrow and replacement with the right-wing dictatorship imposed on this South American Nation by General Augusto Pinochet.

After CIA agent Townley’s 2005 charges against Schaefer and the Colonia Dignidad Nazi compound, and with Chile then being ruled by President Michelle Bachelet (whose father was tortured and killed by Pinochet), Chilean Military Forces raided this Nazi fortress uncovering massive weapon caches leading to Schaefer’s arrest and subsequent 2006 conviction for sexually abusing children.  

Bachelet, however, and under “great pressure” from the United States, was not allowed to close down this Nazi fortress or “in any other way interfere” with their “ongoing research”, these reports state. And though Colonia Dignidad is now said to be being run by Schaefer’s “second in command”, Peter Müller, these GRU reports state the “real power” lies with Schaefer’s adopted daughter, Rebeca Schaefer [link to photo with her father’s coffin] who has long been rumored to be the biological daughter of the ‘Angel of Death’ Dr. Joseph Mengele.

Most important to note about Schaefer’s adoptive daughter Rebeca, these reports continue, is that she is one of the World’s leading researchers into the tropical fungus Cryptococcus gattii, specifically its bio-engineering into a “weapons format”, and which makes her the “main suspect” in the unleashing of this most dangerous Nazi “germ weapon” upon North America during the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, and which to date has killed over 23 people, thousands of animals, and has spread from its “release point” in Canada’s British Colombia [see map 4th photo left] and is now reported invading the United States largest State of California.

The importance of Rebeca Schaefer’s choosing to release this deadly “germ weapon” in Canada during the Winter Olympics, these reports say, is due to Nazi Germany’s instituting during their 1936 Olympic Games the “passing of torch” ceremony which to the Nazis signified the “birth through fire” of the “new era” and which after which her “real” father Joseph Mengele began his horrific human experiments.

To how deadly this Nazi “germ weapon” actually is we can read as reported by Western news sources:

 “A deadly new superfungus invades America

An airborne superfungus that has been known to spread rapidly has crossed the border from Canada into the Pacific Northwest. Known scientifically as Cryptococcus gattii, the fungus is native to the tropics and indigenous to Papua New Guinea, Australia, and parts of South America. Experts discovered its emergence in Oregon the worst possible way: the fungus killed 6 people.

Rising death rate: The new strain of fungus is deadlier than the one discovered in British Columbia during 1999. That one has killed approximately 9% of the people exposed to it; the Oregon variety has a mortality rate of 25% and that percentage may climb.”

To how far and how deadly, this latest attack upon humanity by these monsters will be it is not in our knowing; in fact these reports state that this “germ attack” may have been to secure the release of Schaefer from his Chilean prison cell his purported death may have been used to cover up. Whatever the case may be there is no doubt though that the World we live in is becoming more dangerous by the hour, made even worse by a population not being told the truth of what is really happening.  

© April 26, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

Don't Question...Just Obey

April 26, 2010