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CONFIRMED: U.S. intentionally escalating tensions with Russia

Jim Stone

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March 24, 2015


Massive armaments are being moved to the Russian border, Link to CNN and my comments:

This is the type of thing CNN won't lie about. There are serious sideline factors with this particular story that warrant additional attention -

First of all, as far as the heavy armored stryker vehicles are concerned, their movement is being done in a classic pre war psy op fashion. Rather than be shipped by rail, they are driving the main roads in a huge public show and the troops are pitching tents and camping along the way. The goal of this psy op is to allow American soldiers to be seen in public places by many people, with top behavior being an order. They are doing this to put American forces in a positive light, and this tactic for a simple "vehicle movement" is unprecedented. It is a clear sign that America's intentions are war, because the method will build support in local communities in Europe, which will be needed if war does start.

Second, this military movement has equipment going within slingshot range of the Russian border. This equipment includes hundreds of tanks and other attack vehicles, along with 3,000 troops to support them. That is not enough troops for that much hardware, which means more will follow. The buildup is occurring in steps, which I believe is the "frog in the pot" method of surrounding Russia with a slow buildup of massive forces that will one day pounce suddenly. I believe it is highly improbable that much military presence would be getting put where it is if this was not the end goal.


CAREFULLY read this CNN report, it is OMINOUS.


Czech people threatened with three years in prison if they throw tomatoes or eggs at U.S. Army convoy! That says a LOT!


Update: House votes 348 to 48 in favor of sending armaments to Ukraine.

Feed back on the Boeing "Deflector shield"

I received a few mails about this, and I think the following mail is the winner:

On 2015-03-23 20:21, Raymond Blohm wrote: Hi, Jim. Enjoying your research. It is appreciated!

"Boeing develops and patents star trek style force field?" I am an old aero engineer. I am afraid that the Boeing patent is much less than a force field. It is simply a way to spread out a shockwave. Here are some shockwave photos, as envisioned using Schlieren photography: [1] [2]

"Method and system for shockwave attenuation via electromagnetic "arc" uses energy to deflect potential damage."

My understanding from decades ago is that all sorts of agencies and companies were trying to attenuate the shockwave that forms as local flow goes supersonic. At its most mundane, a shockwave can separate the flow over the top of an airfoil in transonic realms, causing loss of lift and increased drag. At supersonic speeds, shockwaves form ahead of the nose of the aircraft (or bullet) and in front of the wing and tail surfaces. In simple terms, they mess up the flow.

Engineers have tried to attenuate shockwaves by dumping a bunch of heat into the shockwave area. It sounds like Boeing is using an electromagnetic "arc" to do this. This method has been known for a long time. It has worked, but has been supremely impractical because of the immense electrical-power required. You are basically trying to keep a 'match' lit in a hurricane.

It sounds like Boeing has found a way forward, whether by a clever way to produce an effective "arc" with lower power or simply by specifying a huge power source. Unfortunately, either way, we are far from a _Star Trek_-style force field... Best Wishes, Ray

My response:

I was skeptical and that is why I mentioned it being presented as a scare tactic. It just did not make sense, how could you really get enough power to run something like that?

I guess if you patent the first grain of sand, you can own the whole beach?

That is how I saw it, hence the skepticism.

thanks for writing!