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  • May 14, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    13 May 2014, 18:28

    No more US GPS stations in Russia from June 1 – Russian vice premier

    Russia will suspend the work carrid out by US GPS stations sited within its borders if no agreement is reached to set up GLONASS ground stations in the US, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin to the press.

    “We are suspending the work of these stations on Russian territory starting from June 1,” he said as reported by Interfax. Rogozin said that American stations were deployed in Russia in line with agreements signed in 1993 and 2011.

    “In accordance with these agreements, eleven GPS stations are located in ten Russian regions,” he said.

    Rogozin also announced that Russia and the United States have until May 31 to negotiate the deployment of Russian GLONASS stations in the United States. “A working group has been formed, which comprises representatives of the federal space agency Roscosmos, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Foreign Ministry. We are starting talks with the United States and we reserve three months, until the end of summer, to complete them. We hope solutions will be found that will help restore proportional cooperation. If no solutions are found the work of these stations will finally be stopped on September 1,” Rogozin noted.

    Additionally, Rogozin made the point on Tuesday that Russia agrees to sell RD-180 and NK-33 rocket engines to the US but with limitations; “We will assume that, without guarantees, our engines are used only for launching non-military spacecraft, we won’t be able to deliver them to the US,” Rogozin said.

    RD-180 engines manufactured by Energomash and NK-33 by a Samara-based company have been delivered to the US in line with inter-governmental agreements, and the US has used them to launch various types of spacecraft until recently he said.

    Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) chief Oleg Ostapenko said Russia is willing to manufacture those engines and sell them to the US on condition that they are not used for military launches.

    The suspension of the operation of the GPS ground stations in Russia will not affect civil aviation flights, a source in one Russian airline companies told Interfax.

    Flights will not be affected by GPS suspension in Russia – source

    The suspension of the operation of the GPS ground stations in Russia will not affect civil aviation flights, a source in one Russian airline companies told Interfax.

    Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said earlier on Tuesday that starting from June 1 Russia will suspend the operation of the US GPS stations based in Russia if it fails to reach an agreement to put GLONASS ground stations in the US.

    “One needs to understand what Dmitry Rogozin meant. If the GPS ground stations are closed, this will by no means affect the flights. If the GPS is shut down totally, then airplanes will not be able to fly,” the source said. If things get as far as the total shutdown, Airbus and Boeing will refuse to install the GLONASS system and simply ban the operators from using their planes, he said.

    theunhivedmind says:

    May 14, 2014 at 4:28 am

    “GPS satellites need ground reference beacons to maintain their accuracy. And lots of these beacons are in Russia, which is the world’s most geographically massive nation. Since the U.S. has blocked Russia’s own GPS correction stations for their Glonass system in America, which hurts the Russian system’s accuracy, Russia is shutting down America’s stations on their soil, to hurt America’s system accuracy. DEAR PUTIN, HOW ABOUT THIS FOR ADVICE: MAKE IT APPEAR THAT THE AMERICAN SYSTEMS ARE UP, BUT HAVE SOMETHING INSTEAD TRANSMIT GARBAGE WHILE PRETENDING TO BE THEM. That is how I would do it.” -Jim Stone