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From: Walter%20Reiser
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 4:16 AM

The lead story at Pravda this morning is titled "Nuclear reduction talks with United States pointless." It goes into the shocking fact that Vice President Biden announced the US will go ahead with Star Wars at Russia's borders on behalf of the Nuclear Mafia, knowing that further nuclear arms reduction may be impossible under such conditions as this.

I once interviewed James Leonard, who in 1972 negotiated the ABM Treaty which slowed the Cold War arms race, and asked him "Can Star Wars be a better solution to the arms race than arms control agreements?" and he replied "Absolutely not." The Bush regime abrogated the ABM Treaty and withdrew from it, and it appears the Obama regime will continue the belligerence, on behalf of the only people to benefit-- the Nuclear Mafia.

Russia would rather not go back to a Cold War arms race, but it looks like the Obama Administration is giving them no choice in the matter. This will, of course, mean that Obama's reelection will get big financing from the ruling Forces of Greed (FOG).

Nuclear Mafia executives have learned that a "War on Terrorism" is low-tech, and they can't make the big bucks from it that a Cold War brings, so, from their ruling position in our corrupt system, they are sending us back to the brink. They can make trillions of dollars from this --Jack