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We must not leave them behind . . .

Mat Stavw

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Russian “war games” are taking place with live ammunition on three sides of Ukraine. Ukraine’s President said Russia may invade at any moment.

The 24-48 hours the White House gave Americans to get out of Ukraine has not expired. Our government made it very clear it will NOT send in troops to help evacuate American civilians. It even blamed our own citizens for not getting out already.

However, nearly all U.S.-based airlines already suspended flights out of Ukraine making it nearly impossible for Americans to fly out of the country. Many Americans are stuck in Ukraine (Fox News reported as many as 30,000). EL AL Israel Airlines announced it will assist in evacuation.

The State Department told Americans to drive to the Poland border, but warned that they “must present” a Vaccine Passport for COVID-19 in order to leave Ukraine!

This is insane! Poland does not require the shots. At any moment, Russia could launch long-range missiles, air raids and a full-out attack on Ukraine.

Send urgent faxes to key leaders and members of Congress to stop this horrible Vaccine Passport policy. We need to flood Biden’s State Department with faxes demanding that their Vaccine Passport requirements be immediately reversed! — Mat

Russia has placed some of “its most potent weapon systems” along the borders of Ukraine. Their military effort is poised to attack from the North, East and South and is being described as “enormous.”

Russia is poised to cut off all of Ukraine’s ports and has enough planes there to control the air and drop bombs all over Ukraine as well.

Meanwhile, Biden’s State Department is telling Americans to make sure they have their Vaccine Passport when they flee.

This is outrageous! But it doesn’t stop there.

If Americans need help, the State Department directed them to fill out a government form online! Because the State Department has already stripped its main embassy and only left a few staff in a location near Poland. Um, and war zones are known for internet stability (*sarcasm).

Our nation’s unofficial motto of “No Man Left Behind” has been completely revised under Joe Biden. It has become “Get out by yourself or it’s your own fault”—even when that is not an option for some Americans.

We cannot abandon these distressed Americans. We will not ignore their desperate plight. Help us demand freedom for them with your faxes to State Department leaders and members of Congress to fight this “vaccine” as a requirement of evacuation.

We cannot allow our federal government to have this level of control and power over the medical decisions of Americans on foreign or American soil.

This undertested injection has caused more than 1.1 million adverse reactions and led to more than 23,615 deaths, 127,885 hospitalizations and 42,260 permanent disabilities. This injection must never be the price to pay for a citizen to return to America under the threat of living in a war zone!

Here are four ways you can help Americans stuck in Ukraine right now:

1) Send your urgent faxes to the State Department and other key leaders and members of Congress.

2) Sign our petition to be delivered to the State Department and key members of Congress.

3) Donate to help expose this threat and deliver a strong message from our Capitol Hill staff to the State Department. Right now, the impact of your gift will be DOUBLED with our 2022 Challenge Grant.

4) Spread this message by forwarding this email or share this on social media and ask others to sign this petition immediately.

While Biden is weak and leaving Americans behind, help is coming from Israel! EL AL ramped up flights into Ukraine to help get Americans out of that nation. The Israeli airline established a separate hotline for people trying to get on a plane out of Ukraine! With the images of desperation of those fleeing Afghanistan (and many still stuck there), it is encouraging to see Israel stepping up to help these desperate people.

Other nations are putting their own people in harm's way to rescue American citizens while Biden’s White House willfully refuses to act.

We cannot ignore the fact that our government is pressuring other nations to demand Vaccine Passports from U.S. citizens while they are under significant duress.

It is unthinkable for Biden’s State Department to demand higher standards for Americans fleeing a potential war than regular travelers are subjected to in Poland!

It is time to rise up and defend freedom for these Americans. Your one-time gift today or a recurring donation will have DOUBLE the impact through our 2022 Challenge Grant right now.

Thank you for your help!

Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action



“Message to U.S. Citizens: Poland/Ukraine Border Open to U.S. Citizens.” 2022. U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. February 12, 2022.

“Poland’s Covid-19 Entry Restrictions and Quarantine Requirements for Nationals of the United States and Canada.” n.d. Poland Travel. Accessed February 14, 2022.

‌‌ “Resources & Research.” Liberty Counsel Action, 2021.

“Travel Advisory: Ukraine - Level 4: Do Not Travel.” 2022. U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. February 12, 2022.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.


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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854


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