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The ‘freaks and misfits’ of Antifa want civil war and ‘revolution’ as more than 50 members arrested in August with five indicted on felony riot charges so far

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Image: The ‘freaks and misfits’ of Antifa want civil war and ‘revolution’ as more than 50 members arrested in August with five indicted on felony riot charges so far

It appears Portland, Oregon authorities have finally decided to start doing their jobs of arresting the violent thugs that created chaos during the August 17 rally and counter-protest by Antifa, dubbed “Freaks, Hippies, Weirdos, Twerps, Misfits,” by Big League Politics, as Independent Journalist Andy Ngo, one of the only reporters that has documented the Antifa violence consistently since 2016, explains what Antifa’s endgame truly is, which is civil war and revolution.

(Article by Susan Duclos republished from

Top those arrests off with another 36 arrested in Boston after attempting to violently disrupt the Straight Pride Parade on August 31, and it appears that Antifa groups are finally being exposed publicly for exactly what they are, domestic terrorists.


We’ll start with a recent warning from Andy Ngo, known for his relentless coverage of Antifa. Recently Ngo was brutally attacked by Antifa thugs, which in turn resulted in the gay, Asian, Independent Journalist being hospitalized for a brain bleed.

Ngo sat down with Breitbart News’s James Delingpole to discuss Antifa’s ideology and their endgame goal to foment a civil war in America, stating the group is “trying to agitate for a revolution.”

There is a symbiotic relationship between extreme anarchists and hardcore communists. And the violence they do on the street is towards furthering their war. They are actually trying to agitate for a revolution. So from the outside is may seem like stupid street violence and vandalism but they really believe that we are living in the latter days of fascism,” Ngo said. “The conflict is going to happen in the future by bringing these brutal forms of violence, either against the state, individuals, or property. Instead of inching closer and closer to that final, climatic battle, it’s going to make us run quicker there.”

Ngo argued that Americans should not allow “Antifa” to falsely declare that they are society’s guardians against fascism. “We have authorities or academics have the frameworks for researching violent extremist ideologies and I’d like to see that applied to Antifa. I think, in some ways, how they organize has many parallels to Islamism,” Ngo continued. “So I don’t see them as just a benign movement of so-called antifascists. I mean, I don’t even give them that propaganda win of calling them antifascists. I say “Antifa” because I want to separate that from antifascism, which to the average person would sound like a very noble thing.”

Listen to the entire segment below:

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