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Image: MULTIPLE shooters: Mass shooting at Wal-Mart in border city of El Paso, Texas, likely to be gang-related, according to early indicators

A mass shooting has broken out in a Wal-Mart in El Paso, Texas. It is being widely covered by the media, which is no doubt desperately trying to tie this shooting to a right-wing Trump supporter (but has so far failed).

UPDATE: Just as we predicted, below, the fake news media is now “ruling out multiple shooters” even though countless witnesses are reporting “three people rushing in” with AK-47s and directly witnessing multiple shooters. As with nearly every staged, pre-planned shooting event, the media covers up the truth about multiple shooters and tries to memory hole the truth. It’s happening right now as this shooting event is being twisted into a false narrative of a “lone gunman.”

Here’s what’s being reported so far:

  • The shooting took place at the Cielo Vista Mall Wal-Mart, and it is currently reported that 18 people have been killed, with another 30 reported as injured so far.
  • Multiple gunmen are being reported. “Three suspects” were said to be in custody by a law enforcement official in El Paso, according to a live update on KTSM news. The presence of multiple shooters will often be deleted from the media as the official fake news media narrative will reduce these events to a single shooter. One witness interviewed by KTSM, Glendon Oakley, said he heard there were “four shooters.” Oakley told KTSM that he is in the military and has a concealed carry permit, but did not indicate whether he was carrying a firearm at the time.
  • One person has been arrested so far, according to media reports. The scene has reportedly been secured by law enforcement.
  • The shooters reportedly carried AK-47 firearms, which are firearms typically used by communists and Antifa (left-wing) people. AK-47s are also favored by Mexican drug gangs and drug-related criminals. In contrast, U.S. military veterans typically used AR-15s, not AKs.
  • There are so far no media reports of any armed citizens engaging the shooters, even though many citizens in Texas carry concealed weapons. Videos published so far depict people fleeing the scene and law enforcement responding in tactical gear.
  • It is possible there may have been “multiple locations” where multiple shooters engaged innocent civilians, according to media reports.
  • The identity of the shooters is not yet known.

The location of the Cielo Vista Mall is very close to the U.S. / Mexico border, where gang violence often spills over into the United States.

These early indicators point to the mass shooting being a result of cross-border gang violence, although this conclusion may change as additional facts unfold.

Our hearts go out to all those innocent victims of this border violence, and this may be yet another event underscoring the importance of halting illegal immigration and border gang activity that impacts American citizens.

Check back for updates.