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Man who firebombed government building belonged to armed Antifa [Communist] group promoted by CNN and the left-wing media

Mike Adams

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Over the past two years, I’ve repeatedly predicted that armed Antifa terrorists would begin “firebombing government buildings” as the lunatic, radical Left is unleashed. This last weekend, that’s exactly what happened as Antifa terrorist Willem Van Spronsen and member of the left-wing gun training group Puget Sound JBGC — also known as “Redneck Revolt” — assaulted an ICE building with incendiary devices while wielding an AR-15 rifle.

Predictably, he was shot and killed by local police, but not before trying to set a government building and multiple vehicles on fire.

Notably, the entire left-wing media completely ignored the terrorism assault, since the attacker was a radical left-wing Antifa terrorist (which the left-wing media openly supports). As Chris Menahan of Information Liberation rightly points out, if the attacker had been a Trump supporter who claimed “I am a fascist” instead of “I am Antifa,” here’s what would have happened instead:

– Wall to wall media coverage of the “white supremacist conspiracy theorist terrorist” attack for weeks

– All white people and “whiteness” itself would be blamed for the attack

– The President and Republicans would be called on to denounce the attack and accused of tacitly supporting it and “radicalizing” the shooter

– Democrats would call for AR-15s and other guns to be banned and put through multiple bills in the House

– Republicans like Nikki Haley would call for Confederate statues to be torn down

– Congress would pass yet another resolution condemning “white nationalism and white supremacy” (are we up to number 4, 5 or 6 at this point?)

– Big Tech would deplatform every Q-Anon and anti-immigration group they could possibly justify banning if the shooter so much as “liked” one of their posts or visited their page

– Anyone justifying the attack in anyway would be banned from the internet, have their payment processors pulled and possible even their web domain seized

But of course, no such things happened. The shooter was a ......