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Attack In Nice Committed By French National

Justin Salhani J

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July 15, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - Thursday evening as scores of people celebrated the 14th of July in Nice, France, a truck driver swerved into the crowd. At least 84 people were killed as a result and many more were injured. While certain political figures were quick to jump on blaming foreigners and refugees, the attacker was identified by local media as a French national.

After attacks in Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino, and Orlando, many political figures have used the opportunity to said.

The attacker in Nice was a French-Tunisian dual national who lived in Nice and was identified by local media as 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel. In fact, the attackers in November's Paris attack and the subsequent one in Brussels were all citizens of France or Belgium.

To date, no refugees have been identified in any of the attacks in Europe and not a single refugee has been arrested in the United States for domestic terrorism since 9/11.

"The real problem here isn't refugees or migrants," Vox reported in March. "There's no reason to believe that refugees or foreigners are the source of these terrorist attacks, so keeping them out won't prevent further attacks. And even if fighters returning from Syria are a potential source of danger, they're citizens — even the most stringent immigration controls wouldn't keep them out."


France reels as attack leaves 84 dead in Nice: A large truck plowed through revelers gathered for Bastille Day fireworks in Nice, killing at least 84 people and sending others fleeing into the sea as it bore down for more than a mile along the Riviera city's famed waterfront promenade.

Why so many children were injured in the Nice attack: More than 50 children were injured by the suspected terrorist attack, and French officials said that more than 10 of the 84 dead were children too.

Pictured: Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel who was gunned down by police in the vehicle he used to kill 84 people: ID card belonging to Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a French Tunisian man, 31, from Nice, found next to his body

What we know about Nice suspect: Father of 3, solitary & not very religious : The neighbors described the attacker to Nice Matin newspaper as a solitary figure who even didn’t return greetings when their paths crossed.

Terrorism: the 'new normal' for today's traveller: I've been to Nice. Paris and Brussels, too. Chances are you probably have as well. A bomb goes off in Baghdad, killing hundreds, as was the case the other day, and it hardly hits the homepage.

Newt Gingrich's Response to Nice Terror Attack: Rip Up the Constitution: "Western civilization is at war," adding, "We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization."