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April 18, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

Free Syrian Army Warn Ceasefire on Brink of Collapse © Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresenskiy

20:20 17.04.2016(updated 20:48 17.04.2016) Get short URL

Osama Abu Zeid, a legal adviser of the Free Syrian Army, said that the ceasefire in Syria was on the verge of collapse and the FSA may withdraw from the negotiation process.

GENEVA (Sputnik) – A legal adviser of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) told Sputnik on Sunday that the ceasefire in Syria was on the verge of collapse and the FSA may withdraw from the negotiation process.

“Intensity of ceasefire violations by the regime is increasing, particularly in Aleppo, from the southern suburbs, where Iranian and Afghan fighters get together… This decision [to exit the negotiation process] requires consideration, perhaps the Free Syrian Army leadership will summit to decide whether or not to continue to participate in the negotiations,” Osama Abu Zeid said.

He added that these violations and failure to comply with the humanitarian provisions can lead to the collapse of the truce in the war-torn country.


April 18, 2016 at 6:06 am

Just as expected by the Zeusians they’re now starting to put doubt out in order to hinder the peace process created by Syria and Russia. Within twenty-four hours of the announcement of the ceasefire you had Langley forcing John Kerry to speak of a ‘Plan B’ get out of jail card. The New Venice Empire was backed up in a corner and went along with the ceasefire not for the good of Syria but in order to delay and create time in order to arm its opposition forces inside Syria. Now you have the Department of Defense arming the FSA with weapons that may even attack Russia military and thus would be a provocation towards World War III. The Free Syrian Army is a more covert form of Al-qaeda unlike Al-Nusra Front but rest assured they all urinate in the same pot. Russia should just utilize its electronic warfare systems and block the illegal entry of western forces within Syria. Russia and Syria should order the removal of U.S and British forces and any other allies in Syria lands. Only Russia, Syria and Iran should deal with the terrorists whilst outside forces are blocked by Russian electronic warfare that can shut down foreign forces. It’s time to remove the United States and New Venice (Britain) from the game and bring Syria fully back into the hands of Assad. The supply routes should be targeted and Syrian borders fully protected. Turkey must be removed completely outside of Syrian and back into Turkey and there will be no buffer-zone between Syria and Turkey controlled by Erdogan or any other tyrant Turk. It’s time for no more play and instead real action has to take place to stop this nonsense that’s going on right now. I only hope that Presidents Putin an Xi can sign in those new BRICS currencies real soon and thus destroy the Department of Defense with the mere scribing of a pen on two dotted lines. It’s time for full de-dollarization and a Shanghai based gold standard. Russia needs to ramp up the air defenses in Iran by not just the recent sale of the S-300 but by allowing into Iran the S-400 even if it means the equipment is monitored and mastered by Russian supervision on a loan type basis.


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