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American Mormon Missionary suspiciously found at the last three big terrorist events in the West

The Unhived Mind

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March 23, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

THIRD brush with terror: American Mormon, 19, left with burns and shrapnel injuries in Brussels attack also survived Boston and Paris bombings

Mason Wells, 19, an American Mormon missionary, has survived his third terrorist attack

Mason was in Paris last year during the attacks and a block away from the finish line of the Boston Marathon during the bombings

The teen suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon, injuries from shrapnel and second- and third-degree burns on his face and hands

Despite his injuries, his parents said he is in good spirits and expected to make a full recovery

Another survivor of the blast was NBA Hall of Fame star Dikembe Mutombo who was napping when the bombs went off


PUBLISHED: 23:22, 22 March 2016 | UPDATED: 06:03, 23 March 2016

An American Mormon missionary was injured in the horrifying Brussels airport terrorist attack after having previously survived the Boston bombing and the Paris attacks.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the double blasts, which left at least 14 people dead at Brussels Airport.

A third ISIS bomb tore apart a train carriage on the nearby Metro line in Maelbeek, which killed 20.

Between the two attacks, nearly 200 people were injured.

Nine Americans have been confirmed injured, including Mormon missionary Mason Wells, 19, his two colleagues, a U.S. Air Force officer and his five family members.

The number of American’s injured in the attack could still grow, as not all those hurt in the blast have been identified.

The two airport terrorist, who it is believed blew themselves up in the bombing, were spotted on CCTV wearing black gloves.

It is believed those gloves contain detonators, which were worn on the terrorists’ left hand.

A manhunt is underway for the third man who it is believed was with them and walked out of the airport moments before the blasts.

The bombs exploded nail-shrouded devices hidden in suitcases in the first of twin terror attacks on the Belgian capital.

Some of the shrapnel from those blasts hit Mason.

And it is a similar technique used by the terrorists who attacked Paris, where Mason was last year when 130 people were killed.

The 19-year-old suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon, injuries from shrapnel and second- and third-degree burns on his face and hands after the bombing.

Two missionaries who were with Mason also suffered injuries, but survived.

‘This is his third terrorist attack,’ Chad Wells, Mason’s father, told ABC News.

‘This is the third time that sadly in our society that we have a connection to a bomb blast

‘We live in a dangerous world and not everyone is kind and loving.’

Chad said he and Mason were a block away from the finish line of the Boston Marathon, where the bombing took place, waiting for Mason’s mother, Kymberly Wells, who was a runner.

‘It had shaken their bodies and he had taken Mason to our hotel and said to stay there.

‘Mason was very calm and composed,’ Kymberly told ABC News.

Mason is currently in a Belgian hospital and is expected to make a full recovery, he told his parents. He was at ‘ground zero’ of the blast zone when the bombs went off.

Chad said a Mormon official relayed to the Wells family that Mason, ‘despite being on the ground and bleeding actually had a sense of humor and remained calm through the situation’.

‘Mason has always assured us that he is safe and careful.

‘I told him first and foremost always be aware of your surroundings, please be very careful when you’re traveling be very observant to people around you,’ Kymberly said.

The teen was also in Paris last year during the attacks.

‘He shared with us that he was extremely close to the blast where he was burned by it,’ Chad said.

‘It’s a blessing from God he’s alive.’

Joseph Empey, who was with Mason, was also injured in the attack.

The 20-year-old was treated for second-degree burns to his hands, face and head.

Horror in the heart of Europe: Terror unfolds in Brussels

He also had surgery Tuesday for shrapnel injuries to his legs, but his family said in a statement that the he is recovering and is grateful and in good spirits.

Joseph and Mason were at the airport with 66-year-old Richard Norby when they were wounded by an explosion.

A fourth missionary from France, Fanny Rachel Clain, was in a different location at the airport and was hospitalized with minor injuries.

An eyewitness said the blasts were so powerful that victims were thrown in the air, leaving the floor strewn with bodies, limbs and debris. Among the 14 dead inside the airport was said to be a man holding a baby.

There were reports of gunfire and shouts of God is great in Arabic. Police reportedly later found two AK-47 rifles and an unexploded suicide bomb vest.

Brussels remains on lockdown today with police desperately carrying out a series of anti-terror raids in a city which has already been deemed a ‘clearing house for jihadism’.

Explosion: The image above is being used by the Belgian media who claim this is the damage caused by the bomb at the Maelbeek Metro station in central Brussels this morning. It has not been verified by the authorities but is being widely circulated on social media.

More jihadis have travelled from Belgium to fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq than have gone from any other European country.

In Brussels, along with Mason, others, like NBA Hall of Fame star Dikembe Mutombo, survived the horrifying bombing on Tuesday.

Mutombo, who was returning from a visit to the hospital in Kinshasa his foundation opened, told CNN he had been asleep in a passenger lounge when the airport was attacked.

‘I heard people start screaming and everyone start running,’ Mutombo said.

‘I was napping and I was, like, what’s going on? I thought it was a joke. And a lady said, ‘Everybody out, everybody out. We have to go. We have to go. A lot of people are bleeding downstairs. A lot of people are hurt’.’

‘There was no hesitation from there. I grabbed my bag and I started running as well,’ said Mutombo


March 23, 2016 at 7:33 am

There comes a point in time when law enforcement agencies have to say enough-is-enough this doesn’t fit well. Go and work out the odds of one guy out of 7 billion being in the same spot as three top terrorist attacks in the West and do so using an insurance calculating system to see how amazing those odds really are. I can tell the that the odds of the drills happening during the London 7/7 bombing was the equivalent of finding one particular grain of sand out of all grains within the Sahara desert according to insurance scales so now imagine the odds of this guy being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’ll say right now that this guy is either an operative and/or a crisis actor otherwise this just wouldn’t happen. I should also remind you that Brigham Young was handled by Jesuit soldier, Pierre-Jean de Smet SJ the same Luciferian who controlled Albert Pike the commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The Mormon Church is based in a highly Satanic land mass in Utah!


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