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'We Have To Do Something And We Have To Do It Rapidly' - Bombshell Donald Trump Interview With Michael Savage: 'The Whole World Is Collapsing' - March 2016 Map Shows What US Cities Received Most Refugees


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March 23, 2016

Soon after the devastating explosions that ripped through Brussels happened on Tuesday, a 2015 story on ANP began to get an awful lot of attention again as people began searching the web to try to find out where ISIS terrorists might be in America. The story, called "Map Shows US Cities On 'ISIS Kill List' As The Terrorists 'Master Plan' To Overthrow The West Is Exposed," took information from a News Channel 10 story released back in July of 2015 that shared a list of US cities expected to receive an increase in security after ISIS published a list of names, photos and addresses of US Armed Forces personnel. 

Telling us then the data released was likely compiled using public sources such as Facebook or other news articles, the Pentagon requested that city police departments and military police step up patrols in the neighborhoods where those who had been targeted by ISIS lived. Over 20 different states were represented back then and we understand those are merely the tip of the iceberg as ISIS is now operating in all 50 states according to FBI Director James Comey.

ANP readers have since added their own warnings to this map and as we see in the latest map, as seen at the top of this story (via WND), the flow of refugees into America has continued unabated. Keep in mind this map shows only the refugees coming here from Somalia and doesn't include other countries. While we'll be the 1st to say that not all refugees have ill intent in mind, without proper vetting how are we to know the 'good' from 'the bad'? As we've also since learned, something very suspicious is going on as more public servants have been targeted here in America while members of the US military were recently 'taken from us' in Iraq, seemingly with insider knowledge, as shared in more detail below.