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New Surveilliance Tool Can Identify Terrorists by Analysing Their V-Signs

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March 10, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

New Surveilliance Tool Can Identify Terrorists by Analysing Their V-Signs

By George Dvorsky on 09 Mar 2016 at 5:45PM

Terrorists and enemy insurgents are difficult to identify because they often conceal their faces with scarves and masks. A new algorithm has shown surprising promise being able to identify individuals by their characteristic “V for victory” signs.

Fingerprints used to be the cutting edge of biometric profiling, but this field has expanded significantly over the years. Today, people can be identified according to the unique shape of their bodies, including ears, eyes, nose — and even the shape of their backside. It’s also possible to glean a person’s identity based on the quality of their voice and the manner in which they walk.

Now, thanks to the work of Ahmad Hassanat from Jordan’s Mu’tah University we can add another biosignature to the list: the “V for victory” sign. A pre-print of the study can now be found on arXiv.

It might seem random, but as Technology Review points out, one of the more terrifying images of the 21st century “is the image of a man in desert or army fatigues making a ‘V for victory’ sign with raised arm while standing over the decapitated body of a Western victim.” Hyperbolic, for sure, but its point is well taken. The faces of these troublemakers are typically obscured, making identification difficult. That’s where the new biometric tool comes in.

Image: A. B. A. Hassanat et al., 2016

To develop the tool, Hassanat recruited 50 volunteers and took photos of their right-handed V sign. Taking this data, the researchers considered three different metrics: the endpoints of the two fingers, the lowest point in the “valley” between them, and two points in the palm. Armed with this data, the researchers analysed various triangle shapes between the points, and other measurements. A statistical technique was used to to create 16 different features useful for identification. Finally, a machine-learning algorithm was trained to recognise different V signs.

The technique allowed the researchers to successfully identify individuals between 40 to 90 per cent accuracy depending on the the quality of the image, and variables such as distance.

It’s a promising start. But Hassanat and friends will have to show that the tool works on much larger dataset and that it doesn’t produce too many false positives (which seems pretty likely). Finally, given that this is now a thing, it’s reasonable to assume that people who don’t wish to be identified will simply stop making V signs.

As an accomplished technologist and inventor himself, Mr. Churchill would’ve been proud. [Technology Review]


March 10, 2016 at 3:32 am

I should remind you that this isn’t the ‘victory’ symbol amongst the elite powers but instead it’s the Freemasonic symbol of the Law of Five. What is so special about the number five? Long before Earth was inhabitable, the origins of Venus was sent into this solar system and in doing so this displaced Earth from its original orbit around the Sun and pushed the planet further out into the solar system. Earth had now become the third planet furthest from the Sun but amongst all the chaos this ended up aiding the biosphere of Earth which then helped to seed life on this planet. The planet Venus is symbolized as a five-pointed pentagram or star which when upside means masculine and when downside this means feminine. Satan or Kronos isn’t a hermaphrodite as some seem to believe but his granddaughter (Venus/Aphrodite) and his son Zeu’s concubine (Moon/Selene) are hermaphrodites. Also the V is not only Roman numeral for the number five but it also represents the feminine energy and if it is upwards as in a pyramid shape then it means masculine energy. The six-pointed star used by the Tribe is nothing more than the feminine and masculine coming together in a sexual union known by Freemasons as the generative principle and symbolised by the ‘G’ over their lodges. Interesting enough if you look at the G in hebrew you’ll find a connection to the phallic if you do a rotation. If you take those two fingers and place them together you get the cosmos symbolism of authority as used by popes. The rest those two fingers are so important is because the tallest finger represents Kronos whilst the index finger represents his son Zeus. When both fingers are combined then there is a bond between the two most powerful gods!


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