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What Motives Lie Beneath Riyadh’s Move to Label Hezbollah Terrorist Group?

The Unhived Mind

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March 4, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

What Motives Lie Beneath Riyadh’s Move to Label Hezbollah Terrorist Group? © AP Photo/ Aya Batrawy, File

10:02 04.03.2016Get short URL

The decision by the Gulf Cooperation Council to declare Hezbollah a terrorist group will be used by Saudi Arabia to destabilize the region, including boosting its support for terrorists, Iranian political analyst and diplomat Seyed Hadi Afghahi told Sputnik.

Recently, Riyadh designated the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militant group a terrorist organization and urged Saudi citizens to leave Lebanon.

On Wednesday, the Gulf Cooperation Council, comprising Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman, labeled Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

According to the Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, it was the first time when Gulf states have collectively stood against Hezbollah which is regarded by Riyadh as an instrument of Shia leadership in Iran.

Saudi Arabia’s goal can be clarified if regarded from a historic perspective, Afghahi pointed out.

“The Saudi regime was established under the auspices of the British Empire. Since then, its ideology has been based on propagating the principles of Wahhabism. Riyadh is also a reliable Western ally. It is no secret that Saudi Arabia promotes Western interests in the region. Today, it is trying to reinforce its positions in the Middle East, including via proxy wars or open conflicts,” he explained.

According to the analyst, Saudi Arabia is sponsoring numerous terrorist groups in the Middle East, including those fighting in Syria. Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria is aimed at fighting terrorism, as part of a coalition with the Syrian government and Iran.

At the same time, he added, Saudi Arabia is trying to spark a conflict in Lebanon so that Hezbollah has to withdraw its forces from Syria.

“This move is absolutely absurd. Perhaps, Riyadh is trying to regain its positions and compensate political and military losses in the Middle East,” Afghahi said.

He added that another possible goal is to damage Iran’s reputation in the region.

“Teheran openly supports Hezbollah and its fight against terrorism. It is also part of an anti-terrorist coordination center including Russia, Syria and Iraq. Iran’s actions are in full compliance with the UN Security Council. Tehran is committed to fighting terrorism,” the analyst concluded.


March 4, 2016 at 10:33 am

The U.S. Department of Defense is loading up Saudi Arabia with plenty of weapons in order to part feed the bankrupt U.S. ‘war’ economy. Saudi Arabia is also a creditor to U.S. which owes The Kingdom multiple trillions of U.S. dollars. So what’s the plan? The DOD want to bog down Saudi Arabia into numerous wars like Yemen and soon Lebanon! Why? Well if these plans continue along with low oil prices then soon enough the Saudi regime will fall. When the fall occurs then rest assured the U.S. will make sure their debt disappears through a debt jubilee. Think about it! So now Saudi is unlikely to attack Syria, a new target has to be found and this time it’s Lebanon to add to the already happening Yemen war. The U.S. will always blackmail Saudi with the 28-pages and then finish off Saudi using those same 28-pages. When Donald Trump claims he will tell you who did 9/11 he’s only going to give you a quarter of the story being the 28-pages and all this will happen perfectly in time with the Saudi collapse and US outright takeover aided by the 28-pages.


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