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New York City at Risk of Losing Essential Anti-Terror Funding – Mayor

The Unhived Mind

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February 18, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

New York City at Risk of Losing Essential Anti-Terror Funding – Mayor © AP Photo/ Julio Cortez

22:18 17.02.2016Get short URL

US lawmakers must restore hundreds of millions of dollars in critical anti-terror funding for New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement on Wednesday.

NEW YORK (Sputnik) — The US Department of Homeland Security has offered UASI as part of a grant program to cities across the United States. The fund was approved to supply $600 million in fiscal year 2016, but President Barack Obama’s proposed budget has allocated only $330 million for fiscal year 2017.

“It is no secret that New York City is one of the world’s top terror targets and the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) helps ensure that we will be prepared for whatever dangers arise,” de Blasio stated. “As a city and a nation, we cannot afford to lose this essential funding at a time when we face increased threats.”

Under the current proposal, funding would be cut for the York City Police Department’s entire intelligence analyst program, vapor wake dogs, cameras monitoring high profile locations and for radiological and chemical sensors.

US Senator Charles Schumer also issued a statement saying it makes no sense for the Obama administration to cut critically needed anti-terrorism funding at a time when the United States is on high alert.


February 18, 2016 at 11:42 am

Beware that when funding starts to get weak then all of a sudden like a miracle a terrorist attack will happen. Go back to middle of the 90s when the FBI were going to lose terrorism funding and then as if by miracle the Oklahoma bombing happened and the terrorist funding went to record highs. So with this article above and the article I’ve linked to below about the CIA Director then I think you get the picture of the possibility of a false-flag attack happening again in New York to be blamed on Daesh.


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CIA Director Anticipates ‘Inevitable’ Terrorist Attack on US Soil

February 15, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

CIA Director Anticipates ‘Inevitable’ Terrorist Attack on US Soil © AP Photo/ J. Scott Applewhite

04:20 15.02.2016Get short URL

CIA Director John Brennan said that Islamic terrorists will “inevitably” attempt to make their way to the United States to carry out a terrorist attack on US soil.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Islamic terrorists will “inevitably” attempt to make their way to the United States to carry out a terrorist attack on US soil, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan said.

“I’m expecting them to try and put in place the operatives, the materiel, whatever else they need to do, or to incite people, to carry out these attacks, clearly. So I believe their attempts are inevitable,” Brennan said in an interview with CBS News’ 60 Minutes late Sunday.

Brennan added that extremist fighters are “trying to provoke a clash between the West and the Muslim world” to promote a narrative that the United States is attempting to “take over” countries in the Middle East, which he claimed was “the further thing from the truth.”