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Delc. 3, 2015

Congratulations, Prime Minister Cameron, for having unofficially declared war on Syria, even after no Syrian perpetrators of the tragedy in Paris were discovered; all the dead terrorists had EU passports,not Syrian!!


The fact that the bombings took place "just hours" after Parliament had voted to do this indicates that the military in Cyprus was pre-positioned during the debate on the bill, just waiting for the "go" order.


It has not occurred, apparently, to the allegedly "best and brightest" in Western governments that the more the West bombs, the more hatred, terror, and radicalism it engenders.


ISIS is funded, trained, and equipped by the US, and it's purpose was to bring down the al-Assad government; Russia is in Syria at the behest of the Syrian government, and is doing a bang spot-on job of eliminating as many terrorists (including those the US has trained and supported) as humanly possible. They understand that regime change right in Syria will create a power vacuum most likely to be filled by the most radical of radical rebels.


It is just a matter of time, with the airspace so crowded in Syria, that there will be a military conflict between Britain and or the US with Russia. It appears this is precisely what the US and UK want to see happen, perhaps augmented in the West by NATO.


I would strongly suggest to Prime Minister Cameron that a war with Russia is a really, really lousy idea.


And again, precisely as it is with US foreign policy, just because something is the most ham-fistedly, pig-headedly stupid thing the UK government could possibly do, is no guarantee, unfortunately, that it won't do just that. ~ Mike Rivero