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Why Paris?

Rebel of Oz

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NOV. 16, 2015

Why would anyone commit such a horrible crime against ordinary Parisians? The most important question to ask when looking for an answer, in such cases, is always who benefits? Is it ISIS, Israel, France itself, the United States or the entire Anglo-Judean Axis of Greed?


ISIS, Israel’s bogus-Muslim proxy army, surely benefits from spreading terror. Why else would they publish videos on Youtube, fake or not, depicting how they crucify Christians or cut off their heads. Like their equally psychopathic predecessors, Attila’s Huns, Dschenghis Khan’s Mongols, Joseph Stalin’s Red Army or Benjamin Satanyahu’s “Israeli Defence Forces”, they like to paralyse their enemies with fear. Part of it is probably just good old psychopathic pleasure from making people scream in fear and pain, but part of it is also a military tactic because wide-spread panic is making it harder for the opponent to organise themselves.

The Israelis, ISIS’ masters, benefit too in their own “kosher” ways. It makes them look not quite as bad as “radical Muslims” and manipulates Western sheeple to not oppose Western military intervention for the purpose of destroying ISIS and then handing over the “freed” territory to Israel to economically exploit and police.

Who dunnit?

ISIS and Israel are, of course, both highly suspicious, but let us ask first why the French government did not know in advance. With today’s surveillance technology, you can no longer prepare for terrorist acts like in the good old days of the Basque ETA, Irish IRA or German RAF, without the government knowing, unless, of course, the surveillance technology is provided to them by Israel, the very country that performed the attacks.

I’m sure that sooner or later plenty of evidence will surface, as it always does, that Israel had prior knowledge and, for some twisted reason, did not to pass it on. I wouldn’t be surprised even if Benjamin Satanyahu was in town during the attack, as he was on 9/11 in New York and on 7/7 in London, in all likelihood personally supervising the attacks.

Israel had threatened Europe with “Jihadi Terrorist” Attacks


The attacks don't come at a surprise. Israel’s ex-head of Shin Bet had warned Europeans that they will have Jihadi’s in their beds and kindergartens.


Yisrael Hasson is a Syrian Jew - born in Syria. He a fluent speaker of Arabic, his native tongue.


In other words, the Paris terror attacks could be just a case of good old fashioned vengeance in time-honoured Judaic tradition. Russia’s intervention in Syria and Western failure to intervene on behalf of Israel’s proxy army could be the main reason for the assaults.

But it could also be a NATO psyops in preparation for a NATO intervention in Syrian on behalf of Israel.

If you think they wouldn’t do something that despicable please reconsider. Kay Griggs explained it all a long time ago:

"They kill 5, 10, 20 people. Men, women and children. Then they blame it on the Arabs, or they blame it on someone else."

colonel griggs

Colonel Griggs, Kay Griggs’ husband, was a Marine Corps Chief of Staff and head of NATO’s psychological operation.

Griggs: This, ah, group, um, which is, which was run out of Paris. It's still being run out of Paris. This revolutionary terrorist group which is controlling these marines and army, Steiner's group. They all operate together. Um, the, the man who started all this program, um, during Vietnam, um, used communist who were in the Spanish, um, communist movement. They actually promoted communist in the OSS, which was started by this William um, anyway, Donovan. So they were promoting and using communist, who were actually wanting to get rid of our form of government as a stepping stone to world domination. So this group, now, in the army and in the marine corp, has communist at the very top who are really, you know, existentialist which means they, the don't believe in God. They don't believe in Christ. They live for the moment. They believe in sort of one world that has no religions in it. They're the ones that put Napoleon in power. They're the ones that put Oliver Cromwell in power. They're the ones probably who actually got, were, behind the Roman Empire and maybe the Egyptian empire.

There is more horror to come

Either way, I have no doubt that the Paris attacks are only just the beginning. Many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, will have to die before the sheeple wakes up and does what is needed to prevent the Jews from turning Western countries into a Gaza or West Bank style outdoor death camp by arming the 1-1.5 million ISIS fighters they have sent to Europe as “Syrian refugees” for the specific purpose to wipe out White man.

The single most important measure for Westerners to protect themselves from the horrible things to come is to lamp-post or put in front of a firing squad all the disgusting “whore and pimp for Israel” traitors in government who facilitated the ISIS invasion, and then put all Jews and their minions in some high-security facility for the criminally insane to buy sufficient time for a thorough case-by-case investigation (and punishment) of their individual guilt.

In the meantime, stay home, avoid crowded place such as trainstations, department stores, markets, churches, and avoid any kind of events with lots of people,no matter what it is. The more crowded, the more White and Christian, the more kids, the higher the likelihood that it will be attacked. Those people are monsters, mass-murderous psychopaths.


There are more and more reports coming out suggesting that the Paris attacks were a hoax, like the Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo and Sandy Hooks.(see

However, I'm not sure if that option would be any better, because if it was Israel respectively ISIS they wouldn't have faked. They would have happily killed hundreds of Parisians instead of risking being caught with a hoax.

If it wasn't Israel respectively ISIS though, that can only mean that it must have been NATO and/or the French government, suggesting that they wanted to create a pretext for attacking Syria or for cutting down on Europeans' civil rights. If I was French I'd rather have some f***** Israeli dressing up as Stone-Age Arab attack me than my own government, even if it was just a hoax. It's far easier to fight a foreign aggressor than an enemy on the inside.

If Paris and/or NATO are mentally preparing Europeans for a war agains Syria, then that means that Benjamin Fulford was wrong about NATO military being disabled by some sophisticated Russian gadget, because with the Russians owning a device capable of turning Western military into sittings ducks in an area of thousands of square kilometers a Western attack on Syria simply could not take place.

If it's true that Paris was a Western false flag that can only mean one out of two things:

1. NATO is confident that it can overcome the Russian anti-electronic defences and is preparing to go to war for as soon as they can, or

2. Such gadget never existed, it was all a hoax, meaning the Russian were shadow boxing with the West all along.

Whatever it is, either option is not good.