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Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW

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Nov.7, 2015

A new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Foreign Ministry was informed on 5 November by the Federation Embassy in Washington D.C. that they had been notified by the United States Bureau of Diplomatic Security (BDS) that a Russian national under their protection was found dead in his hotel room from what they believed was a heart attack.  

According to this report, the Russian national under the protection of the BDS was Mikhail Lesin who had been dispatched to the United States by President Putin to act as his personal liaison with top Obama regime intelligence officials in negotiating the “circumstances/facts” surrounding the Islamic State’s downing of Flight 9268 over Egypt.












Mikhail Lesin (L) with President Putin (R)


In Mikhail Lesin’s last dispatch to Moscow before his death, this report continues, he described a “contentious/argumentative” meeting with Obama regime officials wherein they made threats against the Federation should Moscow attempt to bring back to Russia two captured American “contractors from Yemen the SVR has “associated” with the Islamic State terrorists who shot down, and claimed responsibility for, Flight 9268.  





As we have previously reported (Islamic State Shootdown Of Russian Plane “Will Be Avenged” Vows Russia and Russian Plane Shootdown Now Labeled “Political Event” As Putin Orders Nuclear War Readiness), based upon satellite data, the SVR was nearly immediately able to ascertain that Flight 9268, which had departed Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt, was shot down by a British made Starburst surface-to-air missile after it had been “forced/deceived” to a lower altitude by false “communications/electronic” measures sent from Yemen.

The knowledge to the SVR of this secret base in Yemen “misdirecting/deceiving” flights entering into and departing Sharm el-Sheikh, this report notes, was first discovered in August when a British based Thomas Airways flight approaching this area with 189 persons on board was “electronically manipulated” and then fired upon by a surface-to-air missile—but which the pilot was able to evasively maneuver away from with this missile just missing his plane by 1,000 feet.

Based upon electronic intelligence, this report says, the SVR was able to determine that the missile fired against the Thomas Airways flight, and which destroyed Flight 9268, was an act of terror committed by the Islamic State terrorist group known as Ansar Bait al-Maqdis (aka Islamic State of the Sinai or Wilayat al Sinai) about whom US officials had warned “aren’t some run-of-the-mill jihadi crew but one of the most active and potent ISIS affiliates”.

Making this Islamic State terror group in the Sinai even more deadly, this report continues, has been the military and financial support it receives from Saudi Arabia, which includes the Starburst shoulder fired antiaircraft missile given to the Saudis by British company Thales Air Defence who provided these missiles to Saudi Arabia under a contract signed in 2007, and who openly operates in this kingdom.

Immediately after Flight 9268 was shot down by these Islamic State terrorists, this report says, a combined SVR-Spetsnaz (Special Forces) “team” operating in Yemen since the attempted shoot down of the Thomas Airways flight in August, was able to locate the base being used to “manipulate/deceive” flights over the Sinai and captured its two operators—who were identified by the SVR as being holders of American passports and claimed they were working for the United Nations, a claim that was denied by the United Nations. 

Upon the initial “interrogation/interview” of these two Americans in Yemen by SVR “experts”, this report says, President Putin dispatched Mikhail Lesin as his personal emissary to the United States due to the “cataclysmic” implications of the information received.

Mikhail Lesin, it should be noted, is a prominent Russian political figure and mass media expert credited with inspiring the creation of Russia Today (now RT) and had a longstanding personal friendship with President Putin.

When learning of Mikhail Lesin’s death, this report states, President Putin ordered all “negotiations” with the US suspended and further ordered the SVR to return to Federation territory the two captured Americans in Yemen—and which we detailed in our report Daring Raid Captures CIA “Assets” Who Downed Russian Plane In Egypt.

Upon these American’s further “interrogation/questioning” upon their reaching Moscow, this report continues, the SVR determined that they were employees of the private US mercenary company Academi, (Blackwater, and XE) and though holding US passports identified their country of origin as being Colombia.

Important to note about these two Blackwater/Academi/XE Colombian-Americans captured by the SVR in Yemen, this report says, are that these mercenaries of Blackwater are reported to have entered Yemen under the guise of the Colombian soldiers.

Recently, in fact, a Colombian-based media group reported that over the next few months, more than 800 Colombian military forces will enter Sana, Yemen, to support Saudi offensive strikes, and to support Saudi allies fighting in Yemen.

As to associating these two captured Blackwater/Academi/XE mercenaries with the CIA, this report concludes, awaits additional financial “examination/confirmation”—but which many SVR analysts believe is only a matter of time till proven true.

To most fully understand this report, indeed all of the other SVR reports dealing with Flight 9268, President Putin’s dispatching of his top media advisor, Mikhail Lesin, to the United States shows the proof that not only does Russia knows this plane was shot down, but also the Obama and Cameron regimes too.

What remains to be determined by Russia and West, however, is not only how best to manipulate the facts of this disaster, but the level of retaliation to be used—which if not measured and balanced, would most assuredly plunge our entire world into war.  

November 7, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]