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Neocon Warmonger Expects 'Extraordinarily Massive' Military Retaliation By Putin Against ISIS Over Russian Plane Crash

Steve Watson

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"He won't mess around like president Obama has done"'

Nov. 5, 2015

Licking his salivating chops over the thought of more destruction and unrest in the Middle East, arch neocon John Bolton believes that Vladimir Putin will enact “punishing retribution” against ISIS on a “massive” scale over the downing of the Russian airliner last week.

Responding to claims from senior UK and US officials that there is significant evidence that the plane was downed by a bomb on board, Bolton said “If it turns out that ISIS is responsible… that is the single biggest mistake they have ever made.”

“Putin now will retaliate, and he won’t mess around like president Obama has done,” Bolton added, saying that Russian action will be “extraordinarily massive.”

“He has no choice but a very substantial military retaliation.” Bolton stated, claiming that the attack “undercuts” the strength of Putin’s leadership and the nationalism he has managed to bolster in Russia.

Bolton stated that Putin’s main objective remains to bolster the Assad regime in Syria and to maintain an alliance with Iran, the Iraqi government, and Hezbollah.

Bolton also suggested that the US has “not been trying very hard” with airstrikes against ISIS and that “It would be an embarrassing contrast if Russia does what it’s capable of doing” now.

“I think Putin is going to act on his own, I don’t think he is going to ask anyone’s permission,” the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations concluded.

UK intelligence officials announced Wednesday morning that in all likelihood a bomb caused the downing of Metrojet Flight 9268, which broke apart in mid-air after departing from Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The resulting crash killed all 224 people on board.

“As more information has come to light we have become concerned that the plane may well have been brought down by an explosive device,” Prime Minister David Cameron’s office said in a statement.

Britain has suspended flights to and from Egypt in response.

US intelligence officials are also of the belief that a bomb took down the plane.

“There is a definite feeling it was an explosive device planted in luggage or somewhere on the plane,” a U.S. official told CNN.

US officials have also touted the notion that someone on the inside could have smuggled an explosive device on to the plane. “This airport has lax security. It is known for that,” the official said. “But there is intelligence suggesting an assist from someone at the airport.”

Another US source has claimed that the Obama administration fears there may be a Muslim Brotherhood link to the disaster, which could be very embarrassing to Washington if the claim is proven to have any validity.

Meanwhile Russia and Egypt have dismissed the suggestions, saying it is too early to tell what happened.

“One cannot rule out a single theory, but at this point there are no reasons to voice just one theory as reliable — only investigators can do that,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow.

The Egyptian government, which is reeling from the destruction of the country’s tourism industry, has categorically stated that the crash was an accident.


Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.