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Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW

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Nov. 1, 2015

The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is reporting today that the catastrophic destruction of Kolavia Flight 9268 that had departed from Egypt’s Sharm El-Sheikh in route to Saint Petersburg yesterday was due to its being struck by a portable surface-to-air missile device fired by Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, and which these “barbarians” posted video of and took responsibility for in their social media postings. 













According to this report, Flight 9268, an Airbus A321, vanished from radars at 4:14am GMT yesterday while overflying the northeastern region of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and had not issued any emergency transmissions (SOS) prior to it catastrophic destruction that caused the deaths of 244 passengers and crew and resulted in a massive debris field of 16 square kilometers (6 square miles).

At the exact same time Flight 9268 was destroyed, this report continues, Aerospace Forces high command issued an “urgent/immediate” report that the highly secretive Olymp (Olympus) satellite operating over this region had detected the launching of a “range-enhanced” British man-portable surface-to-air missile designated as a Starburst.

Important to note, this report explains, are that all known missiles, such as the Starburst, have a unique “signature” upon their firing that is programmed into the Olymp satellite so that the detection of these weapons can be instantly made and defended against.

However, this report further says, the detection “devices” providing protection against the launching of these types of missiles is only present in Federation warplanes, and not civilian aircraft like Flight 9286, thus it had no ability to either evade or defend itself against this type of attack. [Note: British pilots were warned not to fly low over Egypt three months ago.]

As to how Islamic State terrorists obtained such a lethal weapon of war such as this Starburst, this report continues, is due to British company Thales Air Defence providing these missiles to Saudi Arabia under a contract signed in 2007, and who openly operates in this kingdom too, and their shipment of them to Kuwait military forces. 

With wealthy donors in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia supporting the Islamic State, this report continues, Federation military forces have long prepared for both British and American weapons, such as the Starburst missile, given to these nations to find their way into these terrorists possession, but did not envision their use against civilian aircraft as the retaliation against them for doing so would be “staggering”.

But with Aerospace Forces now obliterating these Islamic State terrorists in Syria, this report notes, their US-Saudi-Kuwait “founders and sponsors” have begun to panic to such as a degree that the Obama regime has now ordered US military forces into this war zone as “human shields” to protect ISIS, and the deliberate targeting of innocent civilian aircraft has become acceptable to them too.

To the measure of retaliation the Federation will use for this deliberate war crime, this report concludes, has yet to be decided—but with Prime Minister Medvedev stating earlier today that this attack “will be avenged” after his appointment by President Putin to head the commission examining this crisis, it remains a known fact that Russia has never taken lightly the killing of innocent children, mothers, daughters and grandmothers, and which the Chechens can well attest to.   



November 1, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]