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U.S Propaganda right on cue – ISIS confirms killing of its number two in US air strike

The Unhived Mind

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October 15, 2015 theunhivedmindOne comment

ISIS confirms killing of its number two in US air strike

AFP — Oct 14, 2015

The ISIS group’s spokesman confirmed on Tuesday the killing of the extremist organisation’s second in command in a US air strike earlier this year.

“America is rejoicing over the killing of Abu Mutaz al-Qurashi and considers this a great victory,” Abu Mohamed al-Adnani said in an audio recording posted on extremist websites.

“I will not mourn him… he whose only wish was to die in the name of Allah… he has raised men and left behind heroes who, God willing, are yet to harm America,” he added.

Adnani did not say, however, in what circumstances Qurashi died.

But the White House, in an announcement on Aug 22, said that Qurashi, whose real name is Fadhil Ahmad al-Hayali, was killed on Aug 18 in a US air strike near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

It said the strike targeted a vehicle and also killed an ISIS “media operative” known as Abu Abdullah.

The US National Security Council said at the time that Hayali was ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s senior deputy.

The White House described Hayali as a member of the ISIS ruling council, and “a primary coordinator for moving large amounts of weapons, explosives, vehicles and people between Iraq and Syria”.

ISIS controls large swathes of Syria and neighbouring Iraq and has set up an Islamic “caliphate” straddling both countries.

In its August announcement the White House also said that Hayali “was in charge of ISIL operations in Iraq, where he was instrumental in planning operations over the past two years, including the ISIL offensive in Mosul in June 2014,” using another acronym for ISIS.

Like many senior Iraqi extremists, before joining the ISIS group, Hayali had been a member of Al-Qaeda’s Iraqi faction.

He was reportedly a former Iraqi officer from the era of Saddam Hussein.

ISIS militants launched a devastating offensive in Iraq in June 2014.

Beginning in Mosul, the country’s second city and capital of Nineveh province, they swept security forces aside and eventually overran around a third of the country.


October 15, 2015 at 4:03 am

This comes at a time when Russia is destroying the New Venice backed ISIL in Syria. Iraq is fed up with the Zeusian New Venice lies and inactivity as they see how well Promethean Russia has responded in its own war on terror (western intelligence). Iraq is gearing up to have Russia manage and destroy the nation’s terrorist problem. So what do we see now? A report that the U.S have miraculously hit the supposed number two of ISIL. Well first of all show us hard proof and don’t just claims. The U.S. controls ISIL so if they wanted a fake trophy then they’d know in real-time the exact locations of various ISIL membersand easily be able to take one or more of these puppets out aka horizontalization. So either the USAF have really killed this puppet or they’re creating the illusion of this via the Ziopress. Either way this so-called event means nothing because the U.S. deceptions have been fully exposed in Syria by the powerful actions of the Russia Federation under Vladimir Putin. The DOD need some ziopress nonsense to lure the herd into continuing their zombie apathy for continual deceit. Now all of us in the know realize that Abu Mutaz al-Qurashi is a front puppet when it comes to the leadership of ISIL which is funded from Qatar. The real leaders of the New Venice Empire controlled ISIL are world terrorists Erdogan of Turkey with David Petraeus and John Allen of the U.S. (Allen is still around causing trouble). So when you want to talk about a number two in Isil then look towards one of three and deduce who’s number two not to mention the likes of terrorists with insanity like John McCain and Lindsey Graham aka Zionist Sabbos Goyim from hell.


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