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Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW

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Loct. 11, 2015

A stunning Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a communiqué received from the joint intelligence headquarters of Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria in Baghdad is reporting that their technical/intelligence assests tracked a C-17 Globemaster III belonging to the 728th Air Mobility Squadron of the US Air Forces 39th Air Base Wing depart from the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey and land at the Erbil International Airport in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Upon this US Air Force cargo aircraft landing in Erbil, this report says, a large shipment of weapons and war supplies were then unloaded and transferred to Kurdish Peshmerga military forces, who then formed three convoys to transport these supplies to their front line fighters battling ruthless and barbaric Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists—which the Obama regime declared this past week they would, in fact, do.

To the “astonishment/amazement” of these joint intelligence forces tracking this US Air Force cargo aircraft, this report continues, once it had returned to Turkish airspace, 3 Turkish Air Force F-16 warplanes took off from the same Incirlik Air Base that the US Air Force cargo aircraft had just used and approached the Syria-Turkey border where Syrian fighter aircraft and air defense systems were able to repel them.

After fleeing from this initial confrontation, this report notes, these 3 Turkish F-16 warplanes were then directed by their US/NATO air controllers at the Incirlik Air Base to overfly Iraqi Kurdistan where they then attacked and bombed two of the Peshmerga convoys that had just received their promised Obama regime weapons and war supplies, and then reentered Turkish airspace where they continued their attack against the Kurdish people in their own country. 


As to the insane logic of the Obama regime ordering an attack on the weapons and war supplies it had just given to the Kurdish Peshmerga is beyond comprehension, this report says, but shouldn’t come as a surprise as this so called American leader just last month had to quell a revolt in his own military forces over his decision to align these once good and honest fighters with al Qaeda

Even worse, this report states, is the fact that the Obama regimes war aims and tactics such as this makes their true motives nearly indecipherable and unexplainable too.


Opposing the Obama regime, however, this report explains, President Putin has neither been indecipherable or unexplainable in stating that Russia’s goals are to completely destroy these Islamic terrorists by helping the legitimate governments in this region.

Which he has done to great effect, this report says, as evidenced by this weekends attacks against these terrorists that has killed another, at least, 300 of them and has, possibly, today, killed their main leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with ajoint forces air attack on his convoy.

And with President Obama fast continuing the Islamization of America with his latest directive ordering no more pork be served to the prisoners in his nation in order to comply with Islamic Sharia Law, this report concludes, it continues to rest upon President Putin’s shoulders to conduct this Holy War against Obama’s Jihad on behalf of all Christianity lest the entire world fall under the control of these barbarians—and which Russia’s leader seems fully capable of doing.  



Other reports to read on the September 2015 War include:Putin Authorizes Air Strikes On “American Interests” As Thousands Of Russian Troops Pour Into Syria   Fears Explode In Russia After Obama Orders Sudden 9/11 Type War Drill   Russian Troops Put On Combat Alert Over Obama Regime False Flag Fears  Putin Activates Shocking “Defend Israel” Atomic War Plan  US-EU Refuse To Accept Massive List Of 87,000 Islamic Terrorists From Russia  CIA Breaks With Obama, Vows To Help Russia Defeat ISIL/ISIS  Russian Atomic Bombers Ordered To “First-Strike Zones” As Germany Nears Collapse  Russian Report States Total Defeat Of US Military Would Take 3 Weeks  Obama In Ecstasy As “Nuclear Tsunami” Ignites Islamic End Times Fears  Russia Begins September War, Issues Dire Warning To Britain

Other reports to read on the October 2015 War include: Putin Orders Military Draft Of 150,000 As Russian Air Fury Pounds Syria  Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia  Putin Orders Syrian Ground War To Begin As NATO Masses Forces  Obama Refuses To Accept US Soldiers Bodies Killed By Russian Airstrikes In Syria  Russia Warns ‘Holy War’ Will Accelerate, Issues Dire Warning To Australia

October 11, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]