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Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW

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Oct. 8k, 2015

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that not only has the Federation refused to accede to NATO’s demands to curb the furious airstrikes pummeling Islamic terror forces in Syria, it will “soon” greatly increase them as this conflict is now being openly described in the Kremlin as a “Holy War” to protect the Christian peoples in this region from being exterminated.

The Kremlin’s calling of this war a Holy Crusade, it’s important to note, has been echoed by the Russian Orthodox Church whose official spokesman, Vsevolod Chaplin, stated this week:

“The fight with terrorism is a holy battle and today our country is perhaps the most active force in the world fighting it.The Russian Federation has made a responsible decision on the use of armed forces to defend the People of Syria from the sorrows caused by the arbitrariness of terrorists. Christians are suffering in the region with the kidnapping of clerics and the destruction of churches. Muslims are suffering no less.”

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill further stated his support for Russian military action in Syria and said: “…it was with pain in the heart that the Orthodox have learned about numerous cases of violence against Christians in the region, abductions and ruthless killings of bishops and monks, and barbaric destruction of ancient churches.”

To how vital the protection of Christian peoples around the world has become to both the Church and Kremlin, was further exampled by the correct lamentations His Holiness offered to those killed in America recently at the hands of an Islamic terrorist:

“The Russian Orthodox Church is deeply grieved to learn about the terrible terrorist action in a college in the state of Oregon in the United States, in which peaceful people were killed. What makes the tragedy even graver is that the killer consciously chose to victimize young people who confess Christianity.

This glaring inhuman act confirms once again that Christianity has become the most persecuted religion in the world. Extremists in various parts of the world increasingly seek to provoke hatred and enmity among religions and nations, for which they are ready to commit the most inhuman evil deeds”










Russian President Vladimir Putin and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill

Though the West, especially the Obama regime, continue to refuse to acknowledge to their peoples the truth about this war, this report notes, the same cannot be said of their Saudi Arabian allies whose top clerics this week called for their own holy war against Russia and vowed their support for the Islamic terrorists killing Christians.

Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to the US-EU backed Ukrainian regime Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, this report continues, quickly took up the call of these Saudi clerics calling for his nation to help these Islamic terrorists in killing Russian soldiers…which was quickly met by his being charged for a war crime by Russian prosecutors.

Even more perplexing, this report says, is the Obama regime refusing to help Russia fight these Islamic terrorists thus leading the Kremlin to ask the Americans “Which side are you fighting for?”

Also to be noted, this report says, is Britain’s support for these Islamic terrorists too as new documents have been released showing how they secretly supported Saudi Arabia’s bid to become of a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council—a very shocking occurrence as the Saudis have now condemned to death by beheading and crucifixion two teenagers who did nothing more than help protesters bandage their wounds.

When asked by Channel 5 newsman Jon Snow how Britain could support such a brutal and despotic regime, Prime Minister David Cameron claimed it was because the British government has “a relationship with Saudi Arabia.”


British Prime Minister David Cameron and Saudi Arabian King Abdullah

Also having a “relationship” with Saudi Arabia and its Islamic terrorists in Syria and Iraq, this report says, is Australia—who has recently been discovered to have shipped hundreds, if not thousands, of Toyota Hilux vehicles to ISIS/ISIS terrorists, vehicles so vital to these madmen that BBC correspondent David Loyn went so far as to rank the Hilux among the “great game-changers of modern warfare” and which the Center for a New American Security warned “is the vehicular equivalent of the AK-47.”

Due to Australia’s confirmed support of these Islamic terrorists, this report continues, the MoD issued a warning to the Australian Air Force (RAAF) that should their fighter jets come within range of Aerospace Forces over the war zone they could possible be shot down—a warning that was heeded leading Australia to cease flying any missions whatsoever.

And as to which exact Islamic terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq are being supported by the Obama regime, Britain and Saudi Arabia, this report notes, has become so confounding that the Russian Embassy in the United Arab Eremites was forced to send out a tweet to Saudi Arabia asking for a picture puzzle clarification


Not being confused, however, about whom these Christian killing Islamic terrorists are, this report says, are Russian Aerospace Forces, who since they launched their air campaign in Syria on 30 September, have made 120 combat sorties that hit 110 targets in just over a week and destroyed:

•71 armored vehicles  •30 other vehicle  •19 command facilities  •2 communication centers  •23 depots with fuel and ammunition  •6 plants used to make IEDs, including car bombs  •several artillery pieces  •several training camps

Joining the Aerospace Forces in pounding these Islamic terrorists into oblivion, this report further notes, are Federation naval forces that have begun destroying targets with precision guided cruise missiles fired from the Caspian Sea—after which Syrian army forces began a massive ground campaign to take back their nations territory and protect Christian lives.

And to how effective Russia has been in destroying these Islamic terrorists, this report concludes, was best stated by Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Faisal Mekdad, who said earlier today: “The airstrikes carried out by Russia’s aerospace forces over just several days achieved much greater results than the international coalition did within more than a year since its establishment.”

To what the Obama regime and its terrorist supporting allies are going to do now is anyone’s guess—but with the Russian bear now walking in the deserts of the Middle East, they all know now the deadly seriousness of this Holy War.  After all, if the might of Nazi Germany couldn’t stop these people last century, who is able to stop them now?





Other reports to read on the September 2015 War include:Putin Authorizes Air Strikes On “American Interests” As Thousands Of Russian Troops Pour Into Syria   Fears Explode In Russia After Obama Orders Sudden 9/11 Type War Drill   Russian Troops Put On Combat Alert Over Obama Regime False Flag Fears  Putin Activates Shocking “Defend Israel” Atomic War Plan  US-EU Refuse To Accept Massive List Of 87,000 Islamic Terrorists From Russia  CIA Breaks With Obama, Vows To Help Russia Defeat ISIL/ISIS  Russian Atomic Bombers Ordered To “First-Strike Zones” As Germany Nears Collapse  Russian Report States Total Defeat Of US Military Would Take 3 Weeks  Obama In Ecstasy As “Nuclear Tsunami” Ignites Islamic End Times Fears  Russia Begins September War, Issues Dire Warning To Britain

Other reports to read on the October 2015 War include: Putin Orders Military Draft Of 150,000 As Russian Air Fury Pounds Syria  Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia  Putin Orders Syrian Ground War To Begin As NATO Masses Forces  Obama Refuses To Accept US Soldiers Bodies Killed By Russian Airstrikes In Syria

October 8, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]