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ISIL Offers Chinese and Norwegian Hostages for Sale on the Open Market

The Unhived Mind

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September 12, 2015 theunhivedmind One comment

ISIL Offers Chinese and Norwegian Hostages for Sale on the Open Market © Dabiq

02:28 10.09.2015(updated 10:26 10.09.2015) Get short URL

The Islamic State claims to be holding a Chinese and a Norwegian hostage, and on Wednesday published photos of the captives in the terrorist group’s online magazine.

The group posted photos of the two men wearing yellow prison outfits in the latest issue of its magazine Dabiq. The Norwegian man is identified as Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad, 48, from Oslo. The Chinese man is identified as Fan Jinghui, 50, a freelance consultant from Beijing.

The men are advertised as being “for sale,” and the magazine lists a telegram number for “whoever would like to pay the ransom for his release and transfer.”

The advertisements also note: “This is a limited time offer.”

Both ads provide the men’s home addresses and other personal information.

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg on Wednesday confirmed that a Norwegian man in his 40s was captured in January in Syria, adding that “everything indicates that (Islamic State) is behind it.”

“The kidnappers have presented a series of demands and significant amounts of ransom money,” she said, according to the AP. “We cannot give in and won’t give into pressure from terrorists and criminals. Norway does not pay ransom.”

The ads claim the men were “abandoned” by their governments, “which did not do [their] utmost to purchase [their] freedom.

In 11th edition of #Dabiq magazine, #ISIS calls for ransom payments (via Telegram) for Norwegian & Chinese hostages:

— Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) September 9, 2015

The Islamic State typically advertises the Western hostages they capture, and has previously released gruesome videos of their executions. In February, the group released a video of a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.


September 12, 2015 at 10:50 am

You mean to tell me that there are still idiots out there who actually believe this propaganda nonsense from MOSSAD, MI6 and the CIA? ISIS is controlled by New Venice (Britain) and funded by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar through the HSBC Middle East Bank based in Qatar. The true Caliphate of ISIL is Erdogan of Turkey the puppet of General John Allen of the U.S. As you can see when Russia goes after ISIS then the first to cry are the US Government so ask yourself why would they do this? Simply because ISIS is an engineered farce by New Venice in order to ultimately attack Russia.


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