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Are British special forces targeting Angela Merkel and Germany?

The Unhived Mind

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August 9, 2015

Are British special forces targetting Angela Merkel and Germany?

British SAS special forces are reported to be dressed up as Isis rebels in Syria…and ISIS forces in Germany and Austria have just produced their first video threatening Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel.

ISIS threatens revenge on Merkel in German-language video

Published time: 5 Aug, 2015 21:38

In what is thought to to be Islamic State’s first ever German-language video, militants have sworn to carry out terrorist attacks in Germany and Austria and to seek revenge against Angela Merkel personally for ‘the blood of Muslims spilled in Afghanistan’.

In the newly released five-minute video, two German-speaking Islamic State (IS formerly ISIS/ISIL) extremists call on the European Muslims to join the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, “to wage Jihad” in Germany and Austria, and “to slaughter each infidel” in their own houses and “everywhere,” Germany’s Die Welt reports.

One of the IS militants also personally addressed the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and threatened to wreak revenge upon her.

The jihadists say the revenge will be for “the blood of Muslims…spilled in Afghanistan,” for Germany’s participation in anti-terrorist operations there, and also for the arms shipments to those fighting the Islamic State.

Having voiced their threats against Merkel, jihadists in the video executed two hostages, who were reportedly the Syrian government soldiers. They shot the kneeled men up.

‘#Iraq airstrikes won’t defeat #ISIS, only kill civilians’ – anti-war group

— RT (@RT_com) August 5, 2015

The two of Islamists shown in the video were identified by the German media as Abu Omer al-Almani from Germany and Mohamed Mahmoud, also known as Abu Usamah al-Gharib, an Austrian from Vienna.

‘Peddled like barrels of petrol': ISIS sex slave price list authentic, $165 for a child – UN

— RT (@RT_com) August 5, 2015

Mahmoud had reportedly earlier already served four years in jail in Austria for supporting Al-Qaeda, and lived in Germany afterwards, but left the country in 2012 fearing forced deportation. He was later arrested in Turkey and after spending several months in prison, joined IS in 2014.

650 Germans left the country to join the Islamic State, according to an estimate provided by Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière in March.

British SAS Special Forces “Dressed Up as ISIS Rebels” Fighting Assad in Syria

By Stephen Lendman

Global Research, August 04, 2015

On August 2, Britain’s Sunday Express newspaper headlined “SAS dress as ISIS fighters in undercover war on jihadis,” saying:

“More than 120 members belonging to the elite regiment are currently in the war-torn country” covertly “dressed in black and flying ISIS flags,” engaged in what’s called Operation Shader – attacking Syrian targets on the pretext of combatting ISIS.

Maybe covert US special forces and CIA elements are involved the same way. During Obama’s war on Libya, Britain deployed hundreds of Special Forces Support Group (SFSG) paratroopers – drawn from SAS (Special Air Service) and SBS (Special Boat Service) personnel.

Around 800 Royal Marines and 4,000 US counterparts were on standby to intervene on short notice if ordered.

The latest revelation comes two weeks after learning Prime Minister David Cameron last year approved British warplanes joining US ones in bombing Syria despite parliamentary rejection in August 2013.

At least part of its current covert ground operation is under US command – so-called “smash” units traveling in pickup trucks able to launch mini-UAVs to scan terrain for targets to attack.

Over 250 UK (and perhaps US) specialists are involved to provide communications support, the Sunday Express explained.

British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said “(o)ur actions and surveillance capabilities are freeing up other countries to strike in Syria.”

UK SAS forces are in Saudi Arabia training anti-Assad terrorists along with US operatives doing the same thing – including in Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and perhaps Israel.

US and UK claims about training so-called “moderate” rebels reflect smoke-screen cover for working directly with ISIS terrorists – trained, armed and funded abroad, funneled cross-border into Syria to fight Assad, now with US/UK and Canadian air support along with covert commandos on the ground.

The Express cited former British Army General David Richards saying “tanks will roll” as part of UK operations in Syria.

A separate article discussed US airstrikes defending ISIS terrorists serving as US foot soldiers against Assad.

The Wall Street Journal reported what appears ominously like prelude to Libya 2.0 – falsely claiming Obama authorized airstrikes against Syrian forces if they attack (nonexistent) US-supported “moderate” rebels.

Separately, Turkish media reported President Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying Putin may have softened on Assad. (H)e may give up on” him.

Obama said he was “encouraged by the fact that Mr. Putin called him (in late June) and initiated the call to talk about Syria.”

I think they get a sense that the Assad regime is losing a grip over greater and greater swaths of territory inside of Syria and that the prospects for a (jihadist) takeover or rout of the Syrian regime is not imminent but becomes a greater and greater threat by the day. That offers us an opportunity to have a serious conversation with them.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said both leaders discussed combatting terrorism – especially the Islamic State.

“The Russian view is well-known,” he explained. “(I)t was reiterated by (Putin) during (his) conversation” with Obama. It hasn’t changed.

Putin opposes outside interference by any nations in the internal affairs of others. He supports the sovereign right of Syrians and other people to choose their own leaders and legislators.

Putin aide Yury Ushakov said “the current leadership of Syria is one of the real and effective forces confronting the Islamic State.”

Nothing indicates less Russian support for Assad.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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Merkel is certainly unpopular with the City of London bankers, and using British special forces parading as Isis rebels to wreck havoc on Germany is the kind of false flag plot we are all too familiar with.


August 9, 2015 at 4:57 am

The German Chancellor is being closely watched by British Intelligence and the House of Windsor because Merkel is key to the New Doge and the New Venice Empire keeping hold of their Dope Inc and Trans-Atlantic monetary system power. If Merkel swings towards Vladimir Putin then the Trans-Atlantic monetary system is dust as the EEU, SCO and BRICS take over. If Merkel loses control of the Eurozone then the Dope Inc money laundering collapses and in truth the dope and derivative trades are the only thing keeping this ponzi economy alive right now. I should remind you that the New Doge, Elizabeth II of New Venice personally went to Germany with David Cameron and ordered her whipping boy the Zeusian genocidal maniac Wolfgang Schäuble into hammering Greece. What we have is the New Venice Empire trying to make sure their plans for World War III continue before Russia can destroy the World Bank system once and for all using the superior Promethean BRICS New Development Bank. New Venice have always feared Putin forming the wonderful Eurasian Economic Union. The House of Windsor Nazis are going down like the Titanic. By releasing this false-flag video it will act as the cover story for any jackal team that may have to be sent in by New Venice to assassinate Angela Merkel. Please bare in mind that the British SAS executed Princess Diana in Paris, France and they’ll have absolutely no issues with horizontalizing Angela Merkel. This reminds me a little of the incidents with the Promethean Helmut Kohl who was threatened with both war and assassination by New Venice and its fork France. Right now Merkel is no where near anything as special as Helmut Kohl but because of how dangerous the situation is in Europe right now she’s in a very tricky situation. New Venice will not give up Germany or Japan without a nasty fight after the lengths it went to destroy the nations (Dresden and Hiroshima/Nagasaka bombings) during World War II using the Zionist backed warmonger and fraud known as Winston Churchill of the Venetian Party of the North. The farce known as ISIS is a New Venice front run by British Military Intelligence 6 through Prince Bandar Bush based in Saudi Arabia. New Venice funds ISIS through the HSBC Middle East Bank based in terrorist Qatar. Germany needs to destroy the European Union and enter the Eurasian Economic Union. Germany should also have a military pact with Russia and allow Russian troops onto German soil to defend the nation from New Venice false flag attacks. Merkel can be protected if she really wants to be, Putin could have her guarded by his special forces who guard his Presidency.


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`·-The Unhived Mind