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Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

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ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside

American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL

reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the

corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly

propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions


Protect and defend  your  Constitution Bill of Rights,

the Supreme Law of the United States


Tuesday  April 28, 2015


Beyond Corruption

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the criminal U.S. bank Goldman Sachs, that helped destroy Greece, and the alleged financial regulators: the SEC, the CFTC and the totally corrupt NAZI fascist NFA, are guilty of massive obstruction of justice in regards to a massive foreign currency money laundry directed by sociopath NAZI lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.

This filthy NAZI Jew lesbian (who directed John F. Kennedy Jr.'s assassination and the attempted assassination of then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. over the skies of Chicago in 1999) is now going rogue with her sociopath husband Bill to blackmail and control financial regulatory agencies: the SEC, the CFTC and the totally corrupt NFA.

Note: Hillary used her illegal private email at the U.S. State Department to communicate directly with the alleged financial regulators who coordinated attacks and illegal investigations against her political enemies including myself, the author of this intelligence briefing.

Notice to HIGH TREASON TRAITOR Hillary:  Your NAZI Jew ass is grass!

U.S. Constitution duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. remains the REAL President of the United States and you, bitch, are a rotten piece of filth.


Goldman Paid Bill Clinton $200K Before Lobbying Hillary On Export-Import Bank


The Clinton Foundation in one graph





As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and

Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED,

non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States.


Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law

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