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Bloody Safari: Shoot Aliens Ukrainians As Animals

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Feb. 24, 2015

Bloody safari: shoot aliens Ukrainians as animals


Militia Donetsk People's Republic reported on the Elimination of two army outposts Kiev near Donetsk. According to Defense Minister Igor Strelkov DNR, one of the roadblocks kept people in the NATO camouflage and with foreign passports, presumably mercenaries. Although in recent months among the executioners appeared and those who do not receive money from Kiev - on the contrary, is willing to pay for the opportunity to shoot at people with impunity. Ukrainian authorities to convert the combat zone in the park extreme entertainment for foreign tourists.


Training Day Battalion "Azov" on one of the bases in Berdyansk. Middle-aged, weighed down by a bulletproof jacket, dark man with a Kalashnikov assault rifle battalion was given the nickname Don. Francesco Fontana - one of hundreds of Western adventurers arrived on the warring Ukraine, like a vulture, the smell of blood. 53-year-old Italian - thriller "Foreign Legion" - enthusiastically tells how crumbled barricades militia during the baptism of fire at Mariupol.


"I - a volunteer, do not get the money here. Sam paid for the ticket to come to Ukraine. This experience, I have dreamed all my life, I've dreamed about it. There's no room for sentimentality. This is war. I'm here to kill", - says Fontana .


The tattoo on his forearm as a black shark. Italian thug in his youth was a member of the radical circles. Old age Fontana threw a career in the showroom manager and went to Kiev on the Maidan. There joined the "right quadrant" and later became a member of the "Foreign Legion" Battalion "Azov", which Kiev authorities have created a feeding advisors from Washington.


"These people do not hide the fact that killing innocent people and consider Ukrainians as Papuans, as some animals that you can buy a license to shoot", - said Vladimir Rogov, the leader of the Slavic Guard, Co "Popular Front" New Russia.


The fact that foreigners are really going to Ukraine to kill for fun and willing to pay for it themselves, says a former employee of the company Blackwater USA citizen Stan Patton. In his Twitter he shares Rates: shot of howitzers - $ 100 from the tank - $ 200, shot through the village is estimated at US $ 350.


Another brilliant representative of an international gang in the service of Kiev - 37-year-old Swede Mikael Skilt. From the command of the battalion "Azov", which reports to the Minister of the Interior Avakov, he received an award for the killing of the militia. Swedish sniper hides the face. "It's a special feeling when your heart is racing and you hear the bullets whistling around you, see how they hit the ground. I have heard that they are willing to pay 80 thousand on my head, let's take me!" - Rejoices Skilt.


Behind him - the experience of service in the Swedish Army and National Guard. In Ukraine - from the Maidan. Also joined the "Right sector" and, together with his fighters went to operations in Kharkov. Now - a sniper of the same battalion "Azov".


International mob gets to the Ukraine thanks to the skillful recruiter - 46-year-old Frenchman Gaston Besson. He advertises on the Internet with a proposal to take part in the bloody "safari" in Ukraine. "We invite you to join the battalion" Azov ". Payment is not. We are ready to meet you in Kiev. From you I need information about your family and social situation. Let us know if you are ready to take part in the battles themselves, or will train young soldiers. Upon arrival in Kiev, you will get the contact number of our English-speaking staff. Sleep, food and so on - on our base in the southeast, "- says in the ad.


A native of Mexico, he served in the French troops and special forces in Southeast Asia. Member of the three revolutions and two world wars. Laos, Burma, Suriname ... In 1991, the same mercenary killing of Serbs in Croatia, and then - in Bosnia.


"In the former Yugoslavia, his unit has the greatest cruelty and ruthlessness to the Serbs, including the civilian population", - said Vladimir Rogov.


"People come from many different countries. Finland, Norway, Sweden, England, France, Italy ... We do not fanatics and extremists. We need people with military experience, the professionals. We are neither of NATO nor of the European Union, we do not interested in politics. Every day, I get about 15 letters from those who want to come to Ukraine to fight. We all understand that there is a war, and every day you can injure or kill, "- said Gaston Besson.


These masters of dirty work the US administration attracted to all the hot spots - Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. It is known that in the first 9 months of Obama's presidency the number of mercenaries in foreign operations, the United States has increased by two and a half times. Strategy of American advisers who sell the Ukrainian authorities, implies an increase in the number of foreign mercenaries and the south-east of Ukraine.