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Posted on January 13, 2015 1 Comment

Another ISIS? Prince Charles launches poorly-named ceramics range

Published time: January 12, 2015 17:23 Get short URL

Following a spate of bad decisions from marketing experts nationwide, Prince Charles has launched a line of products in his luxury country shop under the name ‘ISIS’.

The range, which includes ceramic lamps, vases, and serving bowls, is on sale at the Gloucester shop near the Prince’s house in Highgrove.

The range does not include Abu al Baghdadi, radical Islam, or the promise of a world-wide caliphate.

The unfortunate name choice immediately conjures images of gruesome beheadings and gun-toting militiamen, but the range of high-quality ceramics is reportedly named after the tranquil river Thames which is known colloquially as Isis as it flows through Oxford.

“I couldn’t believe it,” one visitor told the Daily Mail. “You would think they would change the name pronto,” she added.

The Prince is not alone is his error. Countless other UK businesses have had to either change their names or publicly distance themselves from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

Tesco came under fire in November 2014 after selling a range of “Isis” television sets, and the popular TV drama Downton Abbey killed off the Lord’s pet pooch, which had the misfortune of sharing the militia’s name.

Hugh Bonneville, who plays Lord Grantham in the series, insisted that the dog’s demise had nothing to do with Islamic State.

Charles’ Isis range comes at a princely price.

One ceramic lamp base comes in at a hefty £535, while customers can expect to pay £275 for a single Blue Wingstand jar.

The shop advertises the range as “hand-made English ceramics” inspired by the Thames in Oxford.

“Based in Oxford, where the Thames is known as the Isis, Deborah Sears, painter, designer and owner of Isis Ceramics, has been creating and painting beautiful ceramic pieces since 1988. Deborah has collected 17th-century English Delftware for many years,” the website reads.

“From this enthusiasm rose Isis Ceramics, and a range of patterns and shapes which evoke the spirit of 17th and 18th-century England.”

“The variety of forms and functions, and the individual painting of Isis Ceramics makes each one unique, allowing everyone to create a collection that expresses their own unique sense of wit, taste and design,” it adds.

Well, of “wit” and “design” you can be sure, but with a name like Isis, there’s no accounting for “taste.”


January 13, 2015 at 11:21 am

Do you think the future Monarch of Britain does anything by chance? Of course not, their life and agenda are planned out for them and its the same for things you see these people do on the Television, if you see it then it was planned and not by chance. Some of their agendas are mapped out for them as long as one-hundred and twenty-five years in length. Prince Charles was married to the symbolic ISIS which was his former wife Princess Diana before he and his father the Black Prince has her assassinated in Paris, France known as the City of ISIS with that great big phallic Eiffel tower. With Charles ‘Guelph’ Windsor being at the level he is you can rest assured he is a worshipper of the Goddess ISIS being the Moon Goddess (Diana) lets face it, how many of the elite are not worshippers of this satellite but in symbolic form? Now when you understand that all the main terrorism in the world all leads back to New Venice (Britain) then you start to see another reason why Charles would have such a company. Its no different to the elite taking the mickey out of you all by claiming an Arab called Osama Bin Laden executed the 9/11 attacks (unproven lie) and then putting in a Muslim US President with the name Obama. I can tell you now that Prince Charles is one of the highest level terrorists in the world, he is a real terrorist with unlimited funds only answerable to his mother and certain other high level Black International figures. Prince Charles heads the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath and has a member within known as the former-US President George H.W Scherff (Bushfraud-DVD Nazi). It was this Order of the Bath who demanded the attacks on 9/11 and utilized its Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators (now known as the Honourable Company of Air Pilots) to plan the air attacks of that day which were executed by the Royal Canadian Air Force and Bombardier (Master Trust) with the aid of elements of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. You can also bet the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights were involved that day especially with the launching of the missile from the Atlantic Ocean which hit the Pentagon right on the ONI bullseye. Go and have a look at who is the permanent Master of that Livery company and think for a minute. The Paris attacks on Hebdo were conducted under the orders of New Venice (Britain) with patsies connected to British Intelligence puppet Abu Hamza. Seems Charles and New Venice really do have a think for Paris and the hunting Goddess.

-= The Unhived Mind