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BENJAMIN FULFORD - OTTAWA SHOOTING - Coup d’état (Video)(Updated with Comment Nov. 1, 2014)

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Sept. 27, 2014




Fulford – Canadian Parliament is a Nazi Coup D’Etat [Video]

Posted on October 30, 2014 1 Comment

Important information for Canadians and world citizens concerning the recent shooting incident at the Canadian Parliament building.




October 30, 2014 at 9:05 am

The Canadian Government has been illegitimate since Stephen Harper took over the reigns. Canada is one of the most corrupt and evil lands on planet earth and yet it is ignored and shielded from the eyes of truthseekers. Canada is how and where New Venice (Britain) controls the whole of the America’s region aided by George H.W Scherff aka false Bush of the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst intelligence of Nazi continuum based in Dachau, Bavaria. I suggest a lot more focus is needed on families such as the Desmarais in Montreal along with others in the Rupert Land and Golden Mile. Look into the Hudson’s Bay Company and Beaver Club and the connection to the City of London in New Venice (Britain). There is no democracy in Canada it was taken over a long time. I’ve told you that right now there is supposed to be a Republic to be announced in January 2014. Do you not think that if this is true then that parasitic Guelph Queen Elizabeth II (New Doge of New Venice) will not have an event created to aid the quelling of any republic? I told you people supporting real change in Canada calling for Kanata will end up be called domestic terrorists. This event will bring in the draconian legislation and all its fine small print in order to try to suppress the patriotic peoples of that land.

-= The Unhived Mind





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