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Terrorist Saudi Arabia covertly threatens Britain and U.S with Terrorism

The Unhived Mind

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  • Sep 2, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Saudi King Warns ISIS “Will Reach Europe In One Month, US In Two”

    Tyler Durden’s pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 09/01/2014 16:44 -0400

    As if the fearmongery and vitriol of UK, Europe and the US were not enough, the Middle-East’s ‘allied’ leaders are now opining on the threat of ISIS. As FOX News reports, The king of Saudi Arabia has warned that jihadists could target the United States and Europe if leaders across the globe do not react to growing terrorist threats as Islamic State militants make advances across Iraq and Syria. “If neglected, I am certain that after a month they will reach Europe and, after another month, America,” blasted King Abdullah, adding Cameron-esquely, “they know no humanity.” Of course, this is quote ironic given the Saudi’s funding of various terror groups throughout the region.

    As FOX News reports,

    The king of Saudi Arabia has warned that jihadists could target the United States and Europe if leaders across the globe do not react to growing terrorist threats as Islamic State militants make advances across Iraq and Syria.

    While not mentioning any terrorist groups by name, King Abdullah’s statement appeared aimed at drawing Washington and NATO forces into a wider fight against the Islamic State terror organization and its supporters in the region. Saudi Arabia openly backs rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar Assad, but is concerned that the breakaway Al Qaeda group could also turn those very same weapons on the kingdom.

    “If neglected, I am certain that after a month they will reach Europe and, after another month, America,” he said at a reception for foreign ambassadors Friday.

    “These terrorists do not know the name of humanity and you have witnessed them severing heads and giving them to children to walk with in the street,” the king said, urging the ambassadors to relay his message directly to their heads of state.

    The Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, has been fighting moderate rebels, other extremists and Assad’s forces in Syria for nearly three years. Iraq has faced an onslaught by the Sunni extremists and their supporters since early this year, and the country continues to be roiled by instability.

    While providing arms and support to Sunni militants in Syria, Saudi Arabia has denied directly funding or backing the Islamic State group.

    Saudi Arabia, a major U.S. ally in the region, has taken an increasingly active role in criticizing the Islamic State group. Earlier this month, the country’s top cleric described the Islamic State group and Al Qaeda as Islam’s No. 1 enemy and said that Muslims have been their first victims. State-backed Saudi clerics who once openly called on citizens to fight in Syria can now face steep punishment and the kingdom has threatened to imprison its citizens who fight in Syria and Iraq.

    A decade ago, Al Qaeda militants launched a string of attacks in the kingdom aimed at toppling the monarchy. Saudi officials responded with a massive crackdown that saw many flee to neighboring Yemen. In the time since, the kingdom has not seen any massive attacks, though it has imprisoned suspected militants and sentenced others to death.

    * * *

    The question is – is this an explicit call for US to protect them more… or else… or just more posturing to stir the populist vote for more war…?

    theunhivedmind says:

    September 2, 2014 at 8:00 am

    Please remember that British Intelligence controls ISIS/ISIL/IS and part of its funding comes from half of the Saudi elite network through Citibank amongst US, UK and German pirate merchants through JPMorgan & Chase, Bank of America, Barclays Bank and Deutsche Bank. Any attacks in Saudi Arabia will be against the other half whilst all attacks in the West will serve the interests of the New Venice empire and its intelligence and military networks such as the CIA, MOSSAD and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    -= The Unhived Mind