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UK ISIL militants should be stripped of citizenship: MP

The Unhived Mind

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  • Aug 26, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    UK ISIL militants should be stripped of citizenship: MP

    Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:32PM GMT

    A British lawmaker has called on the coalition government to remove the citizenship of UK nationals fighting alongside the ISIL Takfiri militants overseas.

    Writing in the Mail on Sunday, David Davis, the MP for the parliamentary constituency of Haltemprice and Howden, described the government’s response to the ongoing crisis in Iraq as “tentative, uncertain, [and] almost limp.”

    The former shadow home secretary and ex-Conservative minister said those joining militant groups are committing treason.

    “Since these young men are in effect swearing allegiance to a hostile state, they should all forfeit their British citizenship – not just those who are dual nationals,” he said.

    The act of removing the militants’ citizenship should only be done following “a proper public trial” as the penalty is “incredibly serious,” Davis added.

    The remarks were echoed by London Mayor Boris Johnson, who said on Monday that those Britons, who visit Iraq or Syria without notifying authorities in advance, should be presumed terrorists.

    According to British authorities, at least 400 Britons are believed to have traveled to Syria over the past two years to fight along with militant groups operating in the Arab country.

    The ISIL terrorists, of whom many are foreign militants, currently control parts of eastern Syria and Iraq’s northern and western regions, where they have been committing heinous crimes in the captured areas, including the mass execution of civilians and Iraqi security forces.

    The ISIL terrorists have threatened all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Izadi Kurds, in their advances in Iraq.

    This as the Western governments, including the UK, have contributed to the rise of the ISIL terrorists by sponsoring the militants fighting against the government in Syria.

    theunhivedmind says:

    August 26, 2014 at 4:39 am

    Now you have found your way out of modern day slavery! How? Well if you are a citizen then you are chattel property to that now corporation as all nations are now corporations and seen as ships on the international maritime waters. Now if you are a citizen you cannot drop your citizenship for no other citizenship, you will always have to be accepted by a foreign nation. So under usual circumstances you are a slave for life since they will not let you out and they will not accept you proving your existence as a being of the divine if you are over seven years of age or I believe seven years after the birth certificate hoodwink has been registered. Now if they strip citizenship off you in this case will they pass it onto a nation/corporation elsewhere or will they end up freeing people from these chains? Maybe all Britons should become militants and end up free from the Cesuit Que Vie Act 1666 slavery under the New Venice Empire from hell. Understand what I am saying folks? It is mostly an invisible prison without bars thus you do not know and then do not crave to escape.

    -= The Unhived Mind