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  • Jul 18, 2014
  • theunhivedmind






    By: The Unhived Mind – July 17th 2014

    First of all read an article I wrote on the 18th March 2014 which highlighted how I suspected a downing of a civilian aircraft with a Manpad shoulder fired missile launcher funnily enough stolen from the Ukraine. A Manpad could not have hit this aircraft though because it was flying at an altitude of 34,776ft far greater than the capabilities of such a device unlike the much more powerful Buk battery system coupled with a deadly 9М38 missile which is capable of hitting targets over 40,000ft. Just this week the Ukrainian Army were given numerous BUK-M1 weaponry which were deployed right next to the Donetsk region and in Kharkiv by Wednesday all just one day prior to this event and all ready to take down any enemy combatants. So one outcome of this event may well be Israel soon getting commercial airline orders for all civilian aircraft to be fitted out with Multi-Spectral Infrared Countermeasure and Directional InfraRed CounterMeasure systems from Elbit. This today will also aid Israel by allowing their zionist media networks to cover-up the Gaza war crimes as interest all lies back on President Putin and Russia rather than on the ground invasion of the Gaza Strip happening on the very same day.




    There are always multiple agendas to events as big as these so always follow the money trail and players like the pro-Israel Senator John McCain and fellow neo-conservatives like Robert Kagan not to mention the RAND Corporation run by Boeing (Defense Industrial Security Command) who are supplied by the most evil British Serco corporation. Need I remind you that Serco is currently headed by Rupert Soames a member of the Order of the British Empire and the grandson of Winston Churchill a former member of the Venetian Party of North and a Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. The Soames also have connections through the Powell family going back into The Worshipful Company of Mercers run by the City of London Corporation the head of the British Empire (New Venice). Rupert’s brother is the former Minister of State for the Armed Forces for Great Britain Nicholas Soames and both of which are responsible for the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.




    Who instantly opened his loud mouth as soon as this MH17 event occurred? Senator John McCain the crazy demented warhawk who should be removed from office and either jailed or put in the gas chamber for his crimes against humanity. Whenever you hear McCain spouting his mouth off then you know he has an involvement and an agenda in that region which is always warfare, profiting, misery and takeover. John McCain should be detained under both the Nazi Homeland Security’s Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act for being one of the world’s chief terrorists.


    Why would a commercial airliner fly over the Ukraine during such a volatile civil war? Malaysia Airlines were already aware that it could not fly at 31496ft after common sense warnings by the Nazi Kiev authorities. What is a few thousand feet compared to a 9М38 missile capable of hitting 45,000ft? This flight just would not have happened and why was this another sacrificial Malaysian Airlines aircraft? It is also worth mentioning that this MH17 flight was supposedly canceled according to the Radarflight website. Who were the supposed bodies on this aircraft which we can see in this news footage photograph which was used to add even more anger in those who fall for such propaganda by The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers? Is there a possibility that the Flight MH17 was switched with passengers detained from MH370 on a totally separate aircraft during the disappearance of this aircraft? If MH17 really flew then was there very few real passengers on board like on 9/11 as in less than usual? Did this aircraft then have detained MH370 passengers added to the list? A real MH17 flight could easily be switched in mid air with MH370 crew in another aircraft claiming to then be MH17. As Christopher Bollyn highlighted there was a Malaysian Aircraft sitting in Tel Aviv waiting for such an Operation Northwoods type false-flag event to happen.

    Are the Malaysians continuing to annoy the U.S Government by outting the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement with the disappearance of Flight MH370? This missing aircraft was stolen by the U.S. Air Force using advanced Surveillance AWACS aircraft and the Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot that has been on civilian aircraft many years prior to the 9/11 attacks as Lufthansa found out when their aircraft order arrived from Boeing. Now what plane was used for flight MH17? Yet another Boeing which is nothing more than a drone of the Department of Defense remembering that Boeing and NASA (military) fund the Defense Industrial Security Command headed in Denver, Colorado the same cretins who blew Concorde 4590 out of the skies to save Boeing from near bankruptcy and in an attempt to assassinate French President Jacques Chirac. Rupert Soames Serco will have made sure they tampered with the Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System and its OOOI readings so no clear picture will be present for investigators wanting to know why this aircraft disappeared for an hour before becoming visible 200km off its original published flight plan (a great time for a switch around with MH370 or a lookalike aircraft from Tel Aviv seeing as the real MH370 was captured by the Dutch Koninklijke Luchtmacht attempting to smash into the Nuclear Security Summit 2014).

    Expect a lot more plane events like this using Boeing aircraft but most aircraft run the same type of system today so they are all basically drones you should never use. So in truth the U.S could just fly this aircraft into the ground and claim on their media networks (MI6, MI5, CIA, Mossad) that the plane had been fired upon even if it had not and the herd would believe such lies thanks to Serco OOOI interventions. This MH17 flight was supposedly followed by two Ukrainian jets just prior to the downing of the aircraft. I could believe that these Zionists may even go to the length of painting up an aircraft as Ukrainian and firing on this airliner to wind up Pro-Russians but usually they will do this in the enemies colors but if they use Ukrainian colors then Putin might just step in and confront the Ukraine as he has threatened over the recent shelling from Ukraine into Russia killing an innocent Russian citizen. One things for certain all those who thought this was Putin’s ride would be wrong to have assumed that he would get a Boeing F-15 Eagle Ukrainian jet escort and that he would be stupid enough to fly over the Ukraine. It was claimed Putin took the same flight plan but I find that highly unlikely and probably some kind of diversion.

    The core of all this is simply that the dying U.S Treasury and its World Bank and IMF are bankrupt and desperate now to just survive. The U.S empire has been failing for well over a decade now and whilst the financial crisis of 2008 was a planned event, a lot of events since have not being going to plan. So for example various debt creating wars have not continued or flared into wide conflicts such as Putin putting a stop to World War 3 starting over Syria. On top of this you have IMF world currency plans falling through now with the signing of the BRICS Bank. Putin is working legally without the need of warfare and confrontation as he brings in an alternative more fairer system to create more balance rather than the outright slavery and greed which the Venetians have forced upon us all over the years. Putin wants a multi-polar world and we might just get it sooner than we think, this is totally opposite to the plans of the Venetian continuum. The Worshipful Company of Mercers and The Worshipful Company of Fuellers along with there boss the City of London Corporation will be spitting feathers as their New Venice empire crumbles as its veil and proxy agent the USA Financial Ltd goes bankrupt and void.

    I’ve said before that I believed we would see a short conflict prior to the BRICS Summit, this never came off although attempts were made during that very timeframe. Now just after the BRICS was signed in on July 15th at the BRICS Summit in Brazil what do we end up seeing? A large scale ramping up of economic warfare on Russia using sanctions and now this event to muddy the waters hoping for a confrontation with the Russian Federation and now monetary power competition (BRICS). The difference between the great Vladimir Putin and the crack smoking New Venice puppet Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) along with the demented Senator John McCain is that Vladimir Putin has a brain and knows how to use this grand chessboard well. Putin is well aware of the plans of the Project for a New American Century not to mention how Zbigniew Brzezinski spilled the beans in his book The Grand Chessboard. If the truth is known, Vladimir Putin is in full control of this situation and the U.S. Venetian scum are fuming. Whilst the U.S crumbles away and has to beg World governments for financial bypasses, the Russia Federation and China are becoming stronger and more stable alternatives backed by gold bullion. In truth the BRICS has 90% of the World’s population and 68% of the World’s economy meaning it actually rules and this is why Eurasia was always the game changer and why the U.S is so desperate to control it but failing to Putin.




    If Russia can be held up in a war near its own borders then it is less likely to play as big a role in the Middle East wars or peace attempts. Vladimir Putin stopped World War III over Syria and he continues to try to stop further attempts at a global confrontation. The U.S claims it only has up to 2016 to attack the Russia Federation and get away with it and thats about the same time when the BRICS Bank will actually start lending. Do not believe that the U.S. is superior to Russia, the Russian Federation has weaponry far in advance of the U.S. who’s missiles are twenty years behind Russia’s. Russia also has air superiority and has proven this recently as it buzzed U.S warships near the Ukraine for twenty minutes long totally cloaked and undetected much to the surprise of the US Navy. Russia has amazing radar capabilities and dominates the Middle East area, nothing goes on in the skies of that region without Russia knowing. An attempt by the US to take Crimea away from Russia will lead to World War 3 but they will attempt it in order to help get Russia out of the Mediterranean and thus give themselves a free run over Syria, Iran and the Middle East.

    Prince Felipe will be heading this latest Middle East and North Africa agitations using ISIL and Boko Haram terrorist groups sponsored by the American-Turkish Council, Mossad, Central Intelligence Agency, MI6, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and SHAPE. Prince Felipe is the new King of Jerusalem replacing his father Juan Carlos as the protector of the Latin Kingdom Holy Sites. This ancient title gives Felipe command over almost all of the Middle East and North Africa using his power branches like the Union of the Mediterranean in control of the Arab League traitors to their own peoples. Will Felipe serve his Jesuit/Venetian masters better than his fragile old father did as he was failed terribly as Putin run rings around him. But I give you just a thought to think about and just could Juan Carlos and the Bourbon’s have switched sides and been backing Vladimir Putin against the Venetian Guelph Queen Elizabeth Mary II the Doge of New Venice (Britain). Make notes how Queen Sofia snubbed the Diamond Jubilee of QEII not to mention how recently the Bourbon’s have been attacked in the media along with the anger over Gibraltar. A lot of the Gibraltar was probably to aid putting British warships in the region as at that time the world was heading to World War 3 over Syria. All eyes are on Prince Felipe of Spain, its a known fact that Prince Charles hates Juan Carlos and a lot of this hate is over Princess Diana preferring the then Bourbon King over Charles.

    To those who cannot understand how the ancient Bourbon bloodline could end up switching then you would have to look into any infighting occuring in the Vatican right now. There is currently some kind of rift going on between European branches of the Vatican and America branches such as the anti-pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ’s crowd. You are seeing how the Vatican’s Institute for the Works of Religion has been hindered which has annoyed powerful families connected with Opus Dei and Jesuits such as the powerful merchant Nattino family. On top of all this you have the old rift between the European and Anglo-American Jesuits which has never truly ended if the truth is known and we’ve seen the recent resignation by Adolfo Nicolas SJ from the Superior General position within the Order. During World War 2 there were always two camps in the Vatican and Jesuits, one in favor of Nazi Germany and one in favor of the Allies and this went as deep as The Entity intelligence. I Just thought that was something to bare in mind as the world powers battle for supremacy of the New World Order in whatever form the victor decides and the hopefully the people demand it shall be.


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