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US officials ‘fearmongering Americans’ to launch another war: Analyst

The Unhived Mind

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  • Jul 15, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    US officials ‘fearmongering Americans’ to launch another war: Analyst

    Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:22PM GMT

    US officials are “fearmongering Americans” about the terrorist groups, which they themselves have created, to launch another war in the Middle East, a political commentator says.

    Susanne Posel, chief editor of Occupy Corporatism & the US Independent, told Press TV on Monday Washington is behind the creation of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, the Free Syrian Army, the ISIL, also known as ISIS, but the American people do not know about this fact.

    She stated that Attorney General Eric Holder, Senator Lindsey Graham, army colonel Kenneth king, and former deputy CIA director Michael Morell, and others of their ilk are spewing this rhetoric, but “what people don’t realize when they hear about ISIS, when they hear about al-Qaeda, when they hear about the Free Syrian Army is that the United States has created these groups.”

    “To me, this is just a group of American leaders who are fearmongering their public to get them to go along with another war, invading another country for resources, to put on another patsy, to destroy the sovereignty of another country; and in my personnel opinion, this is not only garbage that their rhetoric they are putting out there, but it is coercion and it needs to stop,” Posel said.

    “We need to stop invading other countries, we need to stop destroying other nations, we need to stop destroying other people just because they have something that we want, just because they do something we don’t like,” she emphasized.

    “Every country in this world has the right to be sovereign and independent however they want to be. And according to our US Constitution unless there is physical obligations happening here on the soil of the United Sates, we have absolutely no business, no right to go and overture in other country and destroy something just because we want to,” Posel concluded.

    Recent media reports show that the ISIL militants were trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012. The reports said that the militants were initially trained at the time as part of covert aid to the militants operating inside Syria.

    ISIL, which controls parts of Syria, sent its militants into neighboring Iraq last month and quickly seized large swaths of territory straddling the border between the two countries.

    The United States has been providing arms and training to militant groups in Syria to fight the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

    Some analysts say the rise of ISIL is reminiscent of the US support for Mujahedeen groups against the Soviet Union in the 1980s which gave birth to extremist groups like al-Qaeda and the Taliban.