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Jews demand more state funding, 'Shoah' indoctrination & 'hate speech' legislation

John Friends's Blog

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June 14, 2014


Ron: Am I missing something? WHY does humanity not find it absurd and unacceptable that Jews who have stolen and violently ethnically cleansed much of Palestine, ostensibly because they need somewhere to live, constantly agitate and demand that other nations in  which a small number of Jews CHOOSE to reside (despite having fraudulently and violently obtained Israel for that purpose), must fund security for Jewish institutions and organizations, "Holocaust" indoctrination, and enactment of Orwellian "hate speech" legislation designed to curtail and criminalize criticism and open discussion of Jewish criminality, subversiveness, and false narratives of history and current events? IF Jews do not like the culture and governance arrangements in Belgium or anywhere else in which a few of them CHOOSE to reside instead of Israel, why don't they just move to Israel? Could it be that these hyper aggressive ethno-centric Judaic communities are FIFTH COLUMNS secretly destabilising and subjugating their host communities? No? What then? No other group of people in our world does this and if they did they would be quickly disabused, sooo WHY are Jews different? AND, more particularly, WHY does humanity put up with such nonsense?

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jews demand more state funding, "Shoah" indoctrination & "hate speech" legislation

It should be perfectly clear to anyone paying attention to current affairs and politics that the organized Jewish community is the most cohesive and effective organized political lobbying force in Western politics today. In the United States, for example, the organized Jewish community and its various political lobbies - AIPAC, the American Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League, etc. - essentially control the United States government, the electoral process, and both major political parties, dictating or heavily influencing and shaping both domestic and foreign policy. A similar situation prevails in Europe and the United Kingdom, perhaps only to a less blatant extent.

Following major, extremely tragic events, whether real or manufactured in the media (see here and here), the organized Jewish community is often ready to immediately begin lobbying the government to enact legislation and policies that advance their own unique ethnic interests. In many cases, criminal elements and factions controlling or influencing the government, intelligence services, and mass media provoke or outright stage events in order to justify their own insidious agenda. 9/11, for instance, was a major false flag-style operation involving extensive media deception, which was used to initiate, justify, and advance a number of pre-planned, tyrannical, and frankly un-American agendas formulated by the organized Jewish community, namely the fraudulent "Global War on Terror" and the "Homeland Security" paradigm of American national security policy and domestic law enforcement.

In the aftermath of an alleged shooting at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels recently, which reportedly claimed the lives of four Jews, the organized Jewish community residing in Europe is demanding state funding for security for Jewish institutions and organizations, more "Holocaust" indoctrination, and enactment of more Orwellian "hate speech" legislation designed to specifically curtail and criminalize criticism and open discussion of Jewish criminality, subversiveness, and false narratives of history and current events.


A delegation of 25 Jewish community leaders met with Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo and other top Belgian politicians in Brussels Monday to demand funds for increased security after a shooting attack at the Jewish Museum of Belgium that claimed four on May 24

World Jewish Congress Ronald S. Lauder and Maurice Sosnowski, president of the Belgian Jewish umbrella organization CCOJB, along with a delegation of 23 other international Jewish leaders, addressed security and other Jewish community issues with the Belgian politicians.

“I will ask for three things: financial participation of the government toward protection of Jewish sites, measures against cyber-hate on a European level, and a reinforcement of education, notably about the Shoah,” said Sosnowski at a press conference ahead of the meeting. [...]

Despite the fact that I do not particularly care for the Jews, I have to admit: they are good at making known and eventually getting what they want.