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Coming soon: America's own Islamic 'no-go' zones


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mAY 14, 2014

Coming soon:

America's own Islamic 'no-go' zones

Expert on terror training camps says expansion plans in works

Coming soon to dozens of locations across the United States: America's own "no-go" zones where Muslims install their own courts, government, justice and punishment, much like the zones that already exist across the European Union.


That's according to Martin Mawyer of the Christian Action Network.


His organization has been so strong in its opposition to radical Muslim expansion in the U.S., he's been targeted in a $30 million defamation lawsuit by a group called Muslims of the Americas, founded by Pakistan Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani.


The claims are that Muslims of the Americas was damaged by CAN's publication of the book "Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamist Terrorist Training Camps Inside America."


Read more about "Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S." HERE.


The book accuses Muslims of the Americas of "acting as a front for the radical Islamist group Jamaat al-Fuqra."


CAN leaders Tuesday told WND the case is at the stage of exchanging documents in preparation for further discovery.


Mawyer recently told Fox News that the leaders of the Muslim organization "feel they have to defend themselves to their own members," because he would have expected the case to be dropped. It is based on the claims of a former New York informant who posed as a member of the Muslims group and alleged it was involved in "street crimes, drugs, brothels, unemployment fraud and other offenses."


There is no question that terror training camps exist across the U.S. According to a documentary,  "Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.," there are nearly three dozen Islamist terrorist training compounds operating under the name Muslims of the Americas.


The documentary states: "Under the leadership of a radical Pakistani cleric, Sheik Mubarak Gilani, Muslims of the Americas has thousands of devoted followers who are being groomed for homegrown jihad."


See a trailer here:




The project by CAN "exposes these dangerous terrorist compounds and reveals for the first time a secret training tape in which American Muslims are recruited to join one of the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare ... right here in America."


Training includes instructions in "explosives, kidnapping, murder, firing weapons and guerrilla warfare," the documentary explains.


Get your own copy of "Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S." now.


Mawyer told WND he now has learned that the Muslim organization is attempting to model the previously secretive training camps after the European "no-go" zones.


Across the EU, there are enclaves where Muslims make up almost 100 percent of the population. They have been known to set up Shariah religious-law courts alongside secular court systems. They exert control over every facet of life, up to and including applying Islamic limits to what people do, say, wear and believe.


"What they're trying to do is step up from the training camp, the secretive, plotting location ... and become their own state within a state," he told WND.


Law enforcement often even is afraid to enter such zones, he noted.


Then, he said, they want to "connect the dots" and link all of the "no-go" zones together.


The concept is shocking to Western civilization, where for generations the rule of law has prevailed, he said.


"We are so used to in the past hearing about [Islam's plan], now there's a whole strategy change, to infiltrate and immigrate, and set up societies within societies," he said.


Dearborn, Mich., where hundreds of thousands of Muslims have settled, is an example, he said. There, city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination against Christians effectively by applying Shariah law.


He said the new idea  of "no-go" zones is significant.


"They provide weapons and guards, and government officials in their own societies. They build what they want on their compounds, they bury their own people, [their] kids do not go to public schools," he said.


The concerns about Islamist compounds continue to rise. Only a few weeks ago, according to WTOV-TV in West Virginia, Brooke County Sheriff Chuck Jackson tried to assure residents that there is no terror cell active in his region.


He told the station he would reviewed the claims. He investigated the purported site as recently as this year.


"Myself and the chief deputy talked to the farmers in the area over there. We went over to the property in question. It's primarily a hunting camp. There's some guys out there. They do some target practice and they're all local guys. It is not a terrorist training camp, I assure you," he said.


But the West Virginia Intelligence Fusion Center said it's actively investigating information that suggests terrorists are within the borders of the state, the report said.


WND's own reporting on the issue has revealed some surprising elements in America.


Click here to learn more about "Homegrown Jihad."


The report said Jamaat ul-Fuqra, known in the U.S. as Muslims of the Americas, owns or is leasing hundreds of acres of property from New York to California in which the leader boasts of conducting "the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare."




In a captured recruitment video he states in English: "We are fighting to destroy the enemy.


The recruitment video shows American converts to Islam being instructed in the operation of AK-47 rifles, rocket launchers and machine guns and C4 explosives. It provides instruction in how to kidnap Americans, kill them and how to conduct sabotage and subversive operations.


Jamaat ul-Fuqra's attacks on American soil range from bombings to murder to plots to blow up U.S. landmarks. A 2006 Department of Justice report states Jamaat ul-Fuqra "has more than 35 suspected communes and more than 3,000 members spread across the United States, all in support of one goal: the purification of Islam through violence." In 2005, the Department of Homeland Security predicted the group would continue to carry out attacks in the U.S.


Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was attempting to interview Jamaat ul-Fuqra's leader, Gilani, in 2002 when he was kidnapped and later beheaded. One year later, Iyman Faris, member of both Jamaat ul-Fuqra and al-Qaida, pleaded guilty in federal court to a plot to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge.


"What we are witnessing here is kind of a brand-new form of terrorism," says FBI Special Agent Jody Weis in the documentary. "These home-grown terrorists can prove to be as dangerous as any known group, if not more so."




With new global Islamic upheaval taking place, Christians are paying the price – often with their lives.


But because the murder and mayhem takes place in closed societies, the world remains, for the most part, clueless.


You can help shine the light in these dark places with some great new information tools you can share with your friends, neighbors and churches, says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive office of WND, who is making these resources available in the WND Superstore.


Here's what people are saying about "Jihad in America."




•  "I wish every person could watch this, I have given it to my pastor as we are currently in the process of protesting the building of yet another supermosque in our neighbourhood and we know that the result of that is the degradation of the value of the housing, the intimidation and the implementation of Shariah laws. Highly recommended." – Gerredina Kovac


•  "This is an excellent view of radical Islam in the U.S. and is well documented. Steve Emerson and his team have done what others refuse to do, talk about radical Islam and how it is effecting the U.S. This is a documentary that should be in every law enforcement agency in America." – Steven Stanley


•  "You cannot watch this without realizing there is a Jihad plan in America. Steve Emerson has investigated this subject in a remarkable way! He uses 'their own words' on video to show the plan they have against the United States. What they say is so insightful. I have seen many videos like this, and this one is the best; the DVD is brilliantly done." – ElliottJFM, Pittsburgh, Pa.

    •  "This video provides an excellent education for Americans, who generally can't believe someone would do these things deliberately." – Keith Davis



Steve Emerson is the executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, one of the world's largest storehouses of archival data and intelligence on Islamic and Middle Eastern terrorist groups. Emerson and his staff have been quoted or profiled in hundreds of newspaper and television stories since 9/11 and frequently provide briefings to U.S. government and law enforcement agencies, members of Congress and congressional committees. Emerson has testified before and briefed Congress dozens of times on terrorist financing and operational networks of al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the worldwide Islamic militant spectrum.


Click here to learn more about "Jihad in America."



Jihadist who abandoned violence for Christianity


Kamal Saleem was trained in terror starting at age 7 at a PLO assault camp, learning to know and hate his enemies, was indoctrinated in radical Islam on his mother's knee and studied with his father how to despise Christians and Jews.


He's told his story in the book, "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption," as well as in a gripping DVD called "In the Red Chair," where he describes how he used to use his power – all of it – to change the world for Islam.


He dined with Moammar Gadhafi, his website says he served under Yasser Arafat and has Arab royalty in his family tree and he worked as a career mercenary, taking his terror activities worldwide. Ultimately, he was recruited by the Saudi royal family to infiltrate the United States with a campaign of radical Islam.


But Kamal Saleem now has renounced terrorism, adopted a home in America, found Christ and has spoken against terror and radical Islam at universities across the nation.


How could this change happen?


Actually, as he explains of his own life and its changes, it was a severe accident that broke his back and the love of a Jewish man, Jesus, that ultimately put him on the right course.


It is an amazing personal story that every Christian and every American should read: "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption."


"My car was very small and it has a T-top, so when the 18-wheeler broad-sided me, I ejected from car and landed on my head in a mud hole upside down," he recalls.


"I cried out for Allah, but Allah didn't come to save me. I cried, 'Allah where are you?'" Saleem added.


Rescuers, doctors and hospital staff then introduced him to something he had never seen. He says he was shown the unconditional love of God, something that is foreign to Islam.


"In Islam, everything is conditional. For example, in the Quran, there is not one place where Allah says 'I love my people,' not once. The word love is not mentioned in the Quran," Saleem said.


In his surgeon's house, Saleem says he was amazed by the love everyone showed to him. He also says it was in the doctor's house that he also noticed something special about Christian marriage and the treatment of women.


"Women in our (Islamic) culture are nothing. They are equal to the goat or the rug. Her purpose is to be married to her husband to give him pleasure. When a husband marries a wife, he purchases her sexual organs," Saleem said.


Saleem has a warning for the Western world: "Islam is like a cancer. It grows and expands until it eventually consumes and suffocates the host."


He says his knowledge of the Muslim Brotherhood's mission and methods compels him to warn Americans about what is happening under the radar in their own country.


"The Muslim Brotherhood is here specifically to destroy the house of the United States of America and bring about the Islamic House and that's done by the Muslim's hand," Saleem explained.


"And it's not the just the Muslims who came to the United States for this purpose, but also those they recruited in the United States as Americans and have turned them against this country." Click here for Kamal Saleem's full story in "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption," and click here for the DVD titled "In the Red Chair."


Saleem adds by now Islam even has reached the sanctuaries of Christian churches and campuses of Christian colleges.


"Even in Christian schools today, you find Islamic history professors whose papers are done on the glory of Allah and Islam and Muhammad, right there on Christian universities," Saleem said.





"These guys are the first allies and the best allies to Islam. So, when someone speaks of Islam, they try to destroy the person's character instantly because they (the professor) have become a war machine," Saleem said.


Saleem says one of the most insidious ways jihad and Shariah law is infiltrating the U. S. is through the courts. He cites the recent Florida case in which a judge ordered Shariah law be used to settle a mosque leadership dispute.


"What they're trying to do is fake cases for Islam and these cases are done purposefully. We take an imam, there are two of them. They were fighting against each other and the fight was over a mosque," Saleem explained.


"That is so devious and it is part of the culture of Islamic invasion. These two imams are fighting over a mosque in Florida. Each imam says it belongs to me," Saleem said,


"One says I built it and I raised the funds. The other one says the Wahhabi government put me over here and they're the ones who sent the money. Both of them are right," Saleem continued.


"They went to the Supreme Court in Florida. What happened is that they said this was a Muslim matter and you need to judge us by Islamic Shariah law or you will not understand how these things work," Saleem added.


"Both of them are demanding to be judged by Shariah so now the Supreme Court is learning how Shariah works. So, in turn, they have instilled and indwelt Islamic laws with our laws," Saleem said.


Saleem says that the effort to install Shariah law into the United States should be treated like "any other act of terrorism because they are terrorizing this country."


Saleem says what's happening should be prayed against.


"That's what we need to speak against and pray against because it is the essence of evil." Saleem declared.


Read Kamal Saleem's story in the new book, "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption," and watch him tell it firsthand in the new DVD called "In the Red Chair."