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National Guard trains to fight 'anti-government' Americans


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Felb. 12, 2014

2nd Amendment supporters portrayed as domestic terrorists

Internal documents from an Ohio Army National Guard training drill conducted in January 2013 describe the details of a mock disaster in which Second Amendment supporters with “anti-government” beliefs were portrayed as domestic terrorists.

The Guard’s 52nd Civil Support Unit and first responders in hazmat suits conducted the training exercise last year in Portmouth, Ohio. In the terror-attack scenario, two Portsmouth Junior High School teachers follow orders from a white-nationalist leader to poison school lunches with mustard gas to advance their “right-wing” beliefs about gun rights.

“It’s the reality of the world we live in,” Portsmouth Police Chief Bill Raisin told WSAZ-TV. “Don’t forget there is such a thing as domestic terrorism. This helps us all be prepared.”

The TV station’s website described the drill as “timely.”

“Two school employees who are disgruntled over the government’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, plot to use chemical, biological and radiological agents against members of the local community.” recently obtained internal documents outlining the Guard’s disaster drill, which portrays the domestic terrorists as having “anti-government” beliefs and “protecting Gun Rights and Second Amendment rights.”

The documents describe the moments immediately after the attack:

The public health department reports that an unusually large number of individuals are being treated at local hospitals and urgent care facilities with nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea with flu-like symptoms. More concerning is that many of them have irritated red burning skin with blisters.

Scioto County Emergency Management Agency director Kim Carver refused to comment, telling Media Trackers she was “not going to get into an Ohio Army National Guard issue that you have with them.”

Ohio National Guard Communications Director James Sims refused to speak about targeting gun owners in the imaginary scenario.

“OK, I’m gonna stop ya there. I’m going to quit this conversation,” Sims told “You have a good day.”

However, Buckeye Firearms Association spokesman Chad Baus told MediaTrackers, “It is a scary day indeed when law enforcement are being trained that Second Amendment advocates are the enemy.”

The same Guard unit participated in a similar drill involving left-wing terrorists with Athens County first responders last year. Public officials apologized for that training the next day in response to complaints from local environmentalist groups, reports MediaTrackers.