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More Obama False Flag Events On the Near Horizon

Dave Hodges

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Sept. 2, 2013

The British Parliament does not buy the lies of the Obama administration which have been invented as a pretext to take America to war with Syria and drag its allies into the conflict. The American people, by a 9 to 1 margin are not in favor of attacking Syria. As a result, Putin is laughing at the clown that now occupies the presidency.

If at first we don’t succeed, lie, lie, again, should become the slogan for the criminal administration that is inhabiting the White House.

More Obama False Flag Events On the Near Horizon

Caught Again!

Once again, Obama has been caught with his “false flag hand” in the cookie jar. With increasing doubt over the “official story” that Assad crossed the “red line” and used chemical weapons against his own people has been called into question. The Obama administration has responded by releasing the  following unclassified U.S. intelligence report disseminated on August 30thby the White House which concluded that there was “high confidence” that Assad’s forces had used chemical weapons several times in the last year, including the August 21st attack in the suburbs of Damascus.

“We have identified one hundred videos attributed to the attack, many of which show large numbers of bodies exhibiting physical signs consistent with, but not unique to, nerve agent exposure. The reported symptoms of victims included unconsciousness, foaming from the nose and mouth, constricted pupils, rapid heartbeat, and difficulty breathing. Several of the videos show what appear to be numerous fatalities with no visible injuries, which is consistent with death from chemical weapons, and inconsistent with death from small-arms, high-explosive munitions or blister agents. At least 12 locations are portrayed in the publicly available videos, and a sampling of those videos confirmed that some were shot at the general times and locations described in the footage.   physical symptoms verified by medical personnel and NGOs, and other information associated with this chemical attack.”

How does a YouTube video demonstrate “rapid heartbeat?” These murderous criminals cannot even concoct a believable cover story.