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Obama blames internet websites for rise in 'domestic terrorism' even though FBI runs most terror plots

J.D. Heyes

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May 31, 2013

(NaturalNews) In a foreign policy speech the afternoon of May 23 at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., President Obama made a startling claim about terrorism.

It seems that, thanks to the World Wide Web, the threat has escalated dramatically. No proof, of course, was offered to support this amazing supposition, so we are left to take the president's word for it.


Once again, this president says it's our fault

"[T]his threat is not new," Obama said. "But technology and the Internet increase its frequency and lethality."

He went on to warn us that materials posted on the Internet are able to convince people to commit acts of terror.

"Today, a person can consume hateful propaganda, commit themselves to a violent agenda and learn how to kill without leaving their home," he said.

In order combat this threat, the president said it was vital that we reach out to Muslim communities.

"The best way to prevent violent extremism is to work with the Muslim American community - which has consistently rejected terrorism - to identify signs of radicalization and partner with law enforcement when an individual is drifting towards violence," he said. "And these partnerships can only work when we recognize that Muslims are a fundamental part of the American family."

But if this community has "consistently rejected terrorism," who is going online to become radicalized enough to attack America? Mr. President?

Those who want to commit violence - will

As usual, our "blame America first" president fails to mention that anyone predisposed to committing acts of terror is going to go looking for materials that will help them accomplish their mission wherever they can find such material. Some of those materials are indeed posted online, but other materials are elsewhere. Still, this amazing claim ignores basic human behavior: you have to want to find such material before you go looking.

It's not the posting of the material that radicalizes someone; it's a radicalized someone who goes in search of the material.

That said, this is a two-phase story, because there is also another little-discussed aspect to this domestic "terror" threat: the FBI. Didn't hear Obama mention that, did you?

Government-manufactured threat

As we have reported here at NaturalNews, the nation's top law enforcement agency is responsible for "staging" many of the "thwarted" terrorist attacks since 9/11.

A year ago, as evidenced by no less than The New York Times, the FBI in recent preceding months arrested suspects who were planning a range of terrorist attacks, from shooting Stinger missiles at military aircraft to driving van loads of explosives into crowded events.

But these amazing cases might not have ever been made if the FBI itself wasn't themselves planning the attacks.

Consider the case of Oregon college student Mohamed Osman Mohamud. He thought about using a car bomb to attack a well-attended, festive Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in Portland. The FBI gave him a van packed with inert explosives consisting of some real, but inactive, detonators and six 55-gallon drums, along with a gallon of diesel fuel. An FBI agent even drove the van. When Mohamud called the cell phone number that was supposed to trigger the explosion, nothing explosive happened, except that he got arrested.

Would this guy have seriously planned this attack were it not for the considerable assistance of the FBI?

They should have just gone online

Mohamud's case is far from the only one manufactured by the FBI, and it is certainly not the only one that has held up in court. In fact, such operations are not only legal but they are a common counterterrorism tactic employed by the agency in the post-9/11 world, the Times noted.

The agency, of course, defends its actions.

"Many times," says Dean Boyd, a Justice Department spokesman, "suspects are warned about the seriousness of their plots and given opportunities to back out." But, the Times report indicates recorded conversations show that the warning is not always given, and that in some cases suspects are even encouraged to continue.

If you believe President Obama, however, terrorists don't need the FBI to help them out. All they have to do is get online.

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