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The Unhived MInd

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May 23, 2013

Anything on the media system which quickly goes global and has the tag of terrorism attached to it will almost always be a set-up by the intelligence network of the region involved. Therefore alarm bells should ring out immediately with the Woolwich event in London and rest assured the British Security Service were involved. In fact notice how quick Security Service director general, Andrew Parker was involved with Privy Councilor, Theresa May a pirate of the Livery and member of The Worshipful Company of Marketers. You need to listen to the buzz words and mantras that the media gives off to understand the agenda.

The first mantra that interested me was this, “the day Baghdad style violence came to London.” Can someone tell me what they mean by this? Is this not more like Nigerian violence by Nigerians than Iraq? Or are they trying to imprint on your mind that international forces are needed to stay in Iraq beyond any coming withdraw dates? Or could it simply be to help enforce the old lies by helping to demonize the old Saddam Hussein regime further to aid the reasons for the illegal invasion of Iraq aided by the false yellow cake dossier created by MI6 front Hill & Knowlton, Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell?

The second mantras that were interesting during the following day was these, “public want to see armed forces members in their uniforms” and “The British public love our armed forces; they love them being in the public eye”. I am sure you will get the martial law visions in your mind. The military and police will be dealing with the civil unrest during the coming war and massive crisis. You will be brainwashed into accepting these military actions as the new normal. The future society will no longer have a military, just a militarized police force to enforce the tyranny against the peoples under the disguise of peace.