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How About Some Truth? 'The Truth is America is being led down a road of total destruction by the one who sits in the White House.'


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May 15, 2013

Russia is making no secret that they are backing the Syrian Government 100%. Over the past few days there has been a flurry of foreign diplomats meeting with Putin including Netanyahu, all trying to get him not to send the S-300 anti-missile to the Syrian Government. The Israeli intelligence I’m receiving says he has already sent the missiles and the launchers to Assad. It is also known that over the past year or so the Syrian Army has been trained in Russia on how to operate these missiles.

Many horrible things are happening in Syria but all the main line media is reporting is how terrible the Assad regime is and how barbaric the Syrian army is. I certainly will not defend the Syrian Army – they are barbaric as are all Arab armies. But the so-called Arab ‘rebels’ are being controlled by Islamic extremists and they bring the word ‘barbaric’ to a horrible and unbelievable level of cruelty to the human race. I just watched a video that I will not even send out, that shows an Iranian Hezbollah “rebel” cutting the heart out of a fallen Syrian army officer and eating it. These are the ones who want to replace the current Syrian government. The truth is America is being led down a road of total destruction by the one who sits in the White House. I find it almost impossible to understand why the streets and cities across the US are not full of protesters demanding Obama be impeached or even put on trial for treason. But the fact is it has now gone to the point that even if the citizens did it would please Obama as well, for then martial law could be imposed and this would give him even more power. The bottom line is America is in big trouble and if the elected ones in Congress don’t somehow wake up and get the strength to stand up and do the right thing it is all over for the US as we have known it.

What needs to be understood when you are talking about Islamic Arab governments is that there are no words that can be written which show the evil that has controlled these murdering monsters for decades. But they are in the process of showing their real faces in the US as they have been doing in Israel for the past 60 years. The US prisons are the largest recruiting ground for Islamic terrorism, and cities across the US with high unemployment are recruiting young men and women into the evil brainwashing of Islam. There is an evil army of brainwashed, Islamic, home-grown terrorists ready to be unleashed in American cities. There have been Arab sleeper cells that both the FBI and CIA have talked about for years in every city in the US. To say all hell is about to break loose is a statement I am willing to make.

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