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May 1, 2013

Following my hour and a half television broadcast recording session Tuesday afternoon (04/30/13), I checked my phone messages. My SEAL contact had called me. I quickly returned the call. His voice sounded broken and filled with unspeakable sadness.


"The US military is now hunting down our men....already today at least 15 of our men have been identified and killed...."


These are the men he had told me about earlier, which I reported on,  who had been working with him and the Pentagon commander in defusing and disabling the nukes planted across this nation for martial law.


And all this took place after his brother recently suffered two fatal bullet wounds, and finally expired Monday in an intensive care unit.


I felt devastated. Even as I write this late night/early morning  posting after finishing both a television recording and radio broadcast two hours, I feel sadness beyond words. 


I will not sleep tonight.


It was hard enough to perform an earlier television broadcast recording on this painful subject matter. I was also preparing to go on a two hour live radio broadcast later tonight from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM mountain time on "The Raw Feed Live."


None of this is a hoax. People who have followed my reporting throughout the years, know that I would never knowingly publish a hoax. I have laid down my life to tell America the truth for 18 years now. Real people are now really dying for daring to take a stand and challenge  this horrifying martial law agenda with the rogue nukes.


He then told me he could no longer bear to talk about this any longer, and abruptly hung up. All attempts to recontact him have failed. 


[The next day however, he was able to get into contact with me again.]


I never again want to hear some insensitive person trying to debate with me as to whether or not this kind of information is true. EVER. Good people are working desperately behind the scenes, trying to save our nation from the martial law agenda, and are dying even as you read this. 


Because everything I have reported on is ALL true. What does it take to wake Americans up from their deadly slumber???


May God grant that NONE of what I received regarding nuclear detonations coming to our nation, ever comes to pass.


Right now, all across America, Christians who have received my information are praying and fasting to beseech Almighty God to hold this terrible darkness back. I cannot stop praying around the clock now.


However, one sad truth has emerged. As I shared with one reader today, EVEN IF THIS IS HELD BACK A SEASON LONGER, the nukes will continue to remain planted across this nation, capable of being detonated at future dates as well. Woe unto this nation!


The ONLY thing that can change this, is if good men and women in the US military will rise up united and work to overthrow this terrible agenda.


If evil  NWO agenda people in the US military have set up this traitorous nuclear destruction program, GOOD people in our military can also disable and destroy it!


Let us pray for the success of "the white hats" and loyal Patriots throughout the US military in this desperate hour, as they struggle to disable these deadly nukes planted for destruction across our nation.


 "The battle belongs to the Lord."


-Pamela Rae Schuffert